Understanding Barriers to Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
Who Can Participate: Adults between the ages of 18 - 70 that have been diagnosed with vestibular dysfunction and have been recommended vestibular rehabilitation therapy in the past.
Study Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify barriers that have influenced the successful completion of vestibular therapy treatment. Participation in this study will take about 15 minutes. Following consent, participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire that includes information about their vestibular diagnosis and symptoms, demographic information (such as race and ethnicity), and questions about vestibular rehabilitation. There are no foreseeable risks or benefits to participating in this study except discomfort when answering some of the questions, but responses may help us understand how to treat these conditions more appropriately in the future. There is no cost to you, nor is there compensation for completion.
Total number of participants: We are collecting up to n=200 responses for this preliminary study.
Enrollment dates: Open until 30 MAR 2024, or until the total responses have been met.
Study Contact Information: If you have questions for one of the researchers conducting this study, you may contact Erin Williams, MSBE, CCRP (erin.williams@miami.edu) or Devin Kennedy, BS (djk157@med.miami.edu). If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant, you may contact the University of Miami, Human Subject Research Office at (305) 243-3195.