thanks for responding ..
clarice,, I did not have tonsil issues as a child and don't remember any radiation treatments either,, but have heard of the connections... I did notice on the Mayoclinic website that "unconfirmed risk factors" for AN was the parathyroid adenoma,,( hence my post here to see if others have had this issue) too much loud noise exposure,, exposure to childhood radiation treatments and of course,, the dreaded,, excessive cell phone usage,, which we know ANA does not agree....
Kaybo,, as far as having thyroid removed just due to nodules,, I had several nodules in my thyroid that Dr and I watched for almost 25 yrs with no additional issues nor were they ever noticeable to others other than looking like another "Adam's apple" if they even noticed, and they never changed size,, just one of them calcified and on biopsy the cancer was found,, it was suggested that I take a dose of Synthroid every day while in the watching stage,, however,, I was in college and did not want to "have" to take any daily meds (b.c. included...) so I never did.. I have however seen people with goiters that were very noticeable. Surgery was never a recommendation until the cancer was detected.. so I don't think someone should necessarily be scared that nodules would "become" unsightly just on their own although I am not a Dr. just from personal experience over about 25 yrs of dealing with nodules...
just my thoughts on this thread,, hope anyone else with experiences will post.. it is another interesting issues with these wonderful ANs.....