Here ye, here ye, Phyl and the Moderators now playing in the middle of the carribean, on board the Goode Ship PBW. Their number one hit song soon to be released is called "I hear chirping"
Pirate daily reveals
"This band of flea bitten aliens, led by the cursed one - Phyl the cruise director, has been likened to a young Joan Jet back in the days of "The Runnaways". Although the members of this band all seem to be lob sided for some reason, they churn out a sound that any parrot would enjoy"
"The crew of the PBW, who were the first to hear the new single, all suddenly started walking the plank for no apparant reason"
"At the conclusion of the attempted entertainment, the remaining crew, who could not get onto the plank quick enough, all cheered prefusely and when Phyl organised the band for an encore, the remaining 3 crew members made their way to the plank at double pace".
Stay tuned as the voyage continues.