You wacky wenches have brought this down under guy to tears with laughter (got some funny looks at work).
I'm in for those chockies Phyl, and I am collecting when i come to Seattle in September - boy thats a challenge, mmm 23 kgs at 2.2046 pound per kg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh carrots, lettuce and lots of dog walking here I come.
By the way, when i said football Capt deb, I meant Aussie Rules "footy". It's a great game, fast, furious and physical. You wenches would have loved seeing the game in the late 70's / early eighties when the theme of the day was tight shorts. Tight and short they were, no imagination needed (if you know what i mean). Don't know how we ran in those things. The season starts again in a couple of weeks so I'm sure one of your cable channels will have it. Even to "check them out" would be worth a watch. oops, better not fill this thread with other crap, my cyber cheeks are still sore after the spanking from Phyl.