Hi all,
Today was such a beautiful day -- it's been in the mid 60s here -- I decided to go for a walk. I have to say I did notice a lot more sounds than usual, birds; kids playing; cars and maybe best of all, the ice cream man! Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately depending on how you look at it, I couldn't figure out where the music from the ice cream truck was coming from. One of the reasons I'm walking is to lose weight, so I guess not finding the ice cream man was a good thing (I really didn't try too hard anyway).

I am finding it very strange to hear things on my right but in my left ear. I guee I'll get used to that in time.
Jan - Today when I got up the battery in my processor was good, so I must not have turned it off all the way the night before. My hair is long, but cut in medium length layers. I have already managed to get hair caught when I put the processor on and it does hurt. I tried your method of taking it off by popping it off with my thumb and it works like a charm -- much easier than putting it on. I'm sure I'll get the hand of it eventually. I haven't knocked it off yet but I have made it squawk when resting my head on the headrest in the car or on the back of the couch. I also never noticed that I tend to play with my hair and that made it squawk too. I haven't driven with someone sitting next to me yet, but I'm sure I'll be able to hear them a lot better than I have in a very long time. Since this week it's my turn to drive the kids to school (I carpool with another mother) it should be interesting. I haven't figured out where I'm going to buy batteries yet, but as you mentioned, the Sunday papers do sometimes have coupons. We don't have a Sams Club in Staten Island but we do have Costco and there is a BJ's and a Walmart right across the bridge from me in New Jersey.
Lisa - Congratulations on your upcoming BAHA surgery! Since you're hoping to have the processor in August I guess you're about a month away from the surgery. I hope the time passes quickly. I am so excited for you!

As for eagerly awaiting a medical procedure I could hardly wait after mine was scheduled and would have done it the next day if that was possible. I know you've heard it before, but the BAHA surgery really is a very simple procedure and next to nothing compared to AN surgery.
Maureen - Thanks for your good wishes. I hope one day you are able to use BAHA -- I thnk you would love it.
Lori -- I don't think Rob would talk into his shoe for me -- he's not that much fun. I have been thinking that since I am home alone a lot during the day, I would probably not wear my processor then. The only one around for me to hear is the cat and I can hear him fine with one ear -- besides he doesn't seem to mind repeating himself if I don't hear him the first time.

Karen - Thanks for the tip on putting the battery back on the tab -- I'll have to try that. What is a powerone battery though, is that a brand name?
So, my third day with BAHA has been great -- I'm sure it will just keep getting better. I have to get AA batteries for the camera and will post pictures, hopefully tomorrow.