Hi all,
Jan - Thanks for starting this thread -- I was actually going to start one myself because I figured most people wouldn't see it in AN Community. When I woke up today, the battery in my BAHA was dead after only one day. I hope that means that I didn't turn it off all the way last night and just need to be more careful, a battery a day will get expensive I remember reading here that a battery should last about two weeks. As for attaching BAHA, I'm not quite ready to try one handed attachment yet. Right now, I'm using a hand mirror to look at the post and make sure all my hair is out of the way and then put it down and do a two handed attachment. I'm impressed you can do it with one hand. Maybe I will too someday.
With another day with BAHA under my belt, I have to say it is making a difference in my life. I went to the mall today (another noisy situation) and found BAHA did not work quite as well there, but I expected that. I did notice that I can hear the radio in the car much better than I could before, and I actually was talking to my daughter Jen (she was in the middle row of our minivan) withiout having to turn my head as much.
Today a man walked up to me in the mall and handed me a note saying he was deaf and he wanted $4.00 for an American Flag pin. Interesting enterprise -- I was tempted to flip up my hair and show him my BAHA, but restrained myself -- I did decline the pin though.

Lori -- You're right, I did feel like this day would never come. When it was finally here, it was kind of emotional and weird but in a good way. The past few days have been the hardest because, as you know, Dr. Choe gave my my BAHA kit, processor and all in the recovery room the day of my surgery. All week I was very tempted to use it. It was worth the wait!

Kay -- BAHA has exceeded my expectations so far. It is wonderful to hear things from my deaf side again, it will just take a little while to adjust to hearing them on the left. I think my directionality might also be a little better but I don't expect much if any more improvement in that. If you ever seriously consider getting BAHA, I would highly recommend it!

Maureen -- I'm so sorry to hear BAHA didn't work out for you. I never considered the possibility that tinnitus would interfere with it. The blackhead sounds like a pain in the neck (or head) too. I hope at least that got better for you.
Steve -- As someone who also had BAHA envy for a long time, I can tell you it was worth the wait and I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Looking back, I have to say if anyone would have ever told me that one day I would want a doctor to drill a hole in my head and implant a post so I could wear a hearing device,I would have thought they were crazy. I LOVE MY BAHA and as I said, would do it again in a heartbeat!!