Ok, let's try this.. first.. DEEP BREATH! Ok, inhale... hold it... hold it... exhale!

works like a charm!

I know of the reasons you note are mentioned from time to time... the key to radiation for an AN is the size and exact location. If it is (typically) over 3cm, you are generally ruled out for radiation. If it is pressing against the brainstem in a big way (ie; brainstem is twisting, etc), then also, usually ruled out.
Now, I think of user "Sue".. Vancouver, WA... over 60 yrs old, had GK on her AN just after me... and she's doing fine. THen, Jim Scott, surgical first, then radiation for the residual and definately over *coff* 25 yrs old!

(Jim is also a Mod here, I have to be nice to him!)
Many choose GK as a one shot deal when the hearing has a high % of hearing loss. Fractionated (ie; CK, Trilogy, etc) usually used to help preserve "serviceable" hearing. (In my case, my goal was to save my hearing, thus, I chose fractionated CK via one shot GK to help save my hearing, as well as other reasons).
said in respect to your friend, I believe they need to research CK and GK a little more carefully re: the toxicity of radiation and these particular treatments. Proton Therapy is a form of radiation. I know of many here that have had it done on their AN's . Problem is ... lack of data to prove efficacy on AN's as well as cost.. .VERY expensive to have done.. only a few proton centers in the States (Boston, LomaLinda and I believe Houston... someone pls correct me on that if I am wrong). Now, scare tactics about radiation and cancer rates seems to be a common theme in discussions of radiation for AN treatments. In your research, you have learned about the type of radiation that is used... the malignant factor is VERY low and for me, I never even considered it a factor as I had as much chance of getting cancer crossing a newly paved road vs. my CK treatment on my AN.
You will know what your gut tells you... trust your research... trust your instinct, know what is best for your and your situation. If you need to take time to step back and catch your breath, then do so. This is not an emergent situation that you have to decide right away... you will know in your soul what is best for you.. and whatever you decide, we support you 200%.
Hang tough!