Here is something else I have been thihking and wondering about. I know that there seem to be a similar set of side effects (with better hearing preservation for CK) with any radiation treatment, due to swelling/dying of the tumor, etc.
Does anyone know if the incidence/intensity of side tends to be lower with, say, 3 shot CK vs. 1 shot GK? I just wonder if maybe with the GK the tumor would swell more due to being zapped "harder" with a higher dose in one shot as opposed to getting that dose over 3-shots. I know fractionating is gentler on the surrounding tissue but I just wonder how it, if at all, affects the tumor or chance of side effects like fatigue, dizziness, nausea, headaches, balance, etc. Is this more just kind of based on the individual/specific tumor and how it decides to react or should it be a deciding factor in treatment choice?
Oh, and one more question

If the tumor stays in my head, as opposed to coming completely out, is there any chance for further damage that it can cause? Like say if it swells and then stays that size but dies, will my facial nerve function diminish over the years due to pressure from the tumor, even if it's not growing? Or things like that. I guess what I want to know is, would there be any reason, other than mental comfort, for me to want the tumor out of my head as oppsed to leaving it in, assuming either treatment would effectively "control" it?
I go to NY on Monday for consultations with two neurosurgeons and 3 GK/neurosurgeons. It will be my first time talking to anyone about GK specifically, as opposed to cyberknife or Novalis BrainLab. I'm hoping to have all the info to make my decision by the end of the trip and get something scheduled!
Thanks SOOOOO so much for all of your help.