I've been in communciations with Dr. Brackmann at House Clinic... he emailed me wonderful information on AN's, procedures, etc.... I think his feeling regarding me (based on my MRI notes and talking to me... my MRI films are arriving at his office tomorrow....) is for a Middle Fossa procedure.
So, I've sat here and read all the lit that he emailed me... describing many of the different surgical procedures (this incision, that incision, expose this, expose that, etc)....some noting cons against radiation, some in graphic details of procedures, etc.
I'm overwhelmed... and in tears.ÂÂ
As many of you know, I have an appt upcoming on the 24th with my local brain neurosurgeon.... I'm trying to also see about other opinions (my dad taught me well to C.Y.A and cover all bases). But, I'm so overwhelmed with this all.
I think the reality of this "thing" in my head is starting to hit me. (FYI note, I lost a sister to a malignant brain tumor back in 1969 -- now I know this is benign, but 2 siblings with different kind of brain tumors, well, a stigma is already there, ya know?)
I've been in "wait and monitor" mode for just under a year but the AN grows at a slow but steady pace. I know decision time is coming up...
For those of you that are in "wait and monitor", how do you deal with the stresses of trying to figure out what to do and what is best?
For those of you that have gone through any process, how did you deal with the stresses and how did you come around to your decision?
I know each situation is specific to each individual. I understand I have to do something about this before it gets worse (currently 6.7mm x 9mm with other complications as well -- ie: Chiari I)
I guess... how do you "keep it together"? I've got a great support mechinism in my family and friends and those co-workers that know... but, really starting to lose it here.
Thoughts? Any and all accepted... and please let me thank you in advance for all of your help and support! I truly appreciate it.