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Cognitive/Emotional Issues / Re: When anger sneaks up on you!
« Last post by stevehernes on February 16, 2025, 02:59:54 am »
How are you doing now?
Headaches / Re: Alcohol effect
« Last post by stevehernes on February 16, 2025, 02:11:43 am »
how are you doing these days?
Inquiries / Re: vertigo
« Last post by mwatto on February 15, 2025, 07:05:51 pm »
Diazepam may help with vertigo. I think just try 1 mg after a chat with doctor. I used it for neuroinflammation after Covid when I felt a bit dizzy.
Inquiries / Re: Am I normal?
« Last post by mwatto on February 15, 2025, 07:04:32 pm »
Steve I met my husband 15 years ago on E Harmony. Blissfully happy!
Post-Treatment / Creatine pre-surgery and affects during recovery
« Last post by andrewiscycling on February 15, 2025, 12:43:22 pm »
I’m curious if anyone has heard of—or better yet, tried—using high-doses of creatine (0.4g/kg) before and after surgery to aid in recovery? Specifically, I’m wondering if this has been beneficial for neurological recovery and overall post-op healing. 
NF2 / Re: TCM for NF2 article
« Last post by mwatto on February 15, 2025, 01:16:16 am »
Hi I am unsure. I had CK 6 years ago though due for another MRI next month. I do read almost every day on the biological signalling pathways and today based on a webinar Q&aA(UCSD) on this site I looked at the role of TGF Beta.

 I use supplements then that target the pathways in different ways.  Other than that, I try and be very mindful of diet and lifestyle and especially keeping stress low (and therefore inflammation). I keep an eye on BP and do light exercise every day, sleep also important though its taken me a few years to understand the importrance of a healthy glymphatic system to bring neuroinflammation down.

I am always aware that because I had SRT regrowth might occur but some insight as to what causes growth gives me a sense of control.
Radiation / Radiosurgery / Anyone has had radiation after surgery?
« Last post by carolinafreire on February 14, 2025, 02:09:07 pm »
I had surgery at UCSF last month (January 13, 2025) to remove a 3cm acoustic neuroma. The surgeon removed 98% of the tumor to preserve the vestibular and facial nerve. This was agreed before the surgery, as I also have a hearing loss on my "good side", unrelated to the tumor. The recovery is going well and the surgeon is now recommending one session of CyberKnife (in 3 months) to prevent the tumor from growing back. He says one session is enough to treat and prevent regrowth.

Has anyone had a similar experience that required radiation after surgery?

Thank you,
Hearing Issues / Re: Hearing Music
« Last post by stevehernes on February 14, 2025, 07:27:52 am »
never had something like that. Hope you figure out what is that and how to get rid of it
AN Issues / Re: Fatigued, confused, forgetful, and foggy?
« Last post by MarlaB on February 12, 2025, 11:04:53 pm »
Hello, I'm one of the moderators on this forum and I wanted to let you know that I removed the link from your post in accordance with the rules you agreed to. Thank you and thanks for sharing the information.

Marla B
AN Issues / The issue of contrast with MRI
« Last post by mwatto on February 12, 2025, 10:59:52 pm »
I have read two recent articles re contrast and personally feel that for simply monitoring AN it may be best not to have it (understand might need for diagnosis or treatment though). 1. and 2.

We need to advocate for our health.
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