My ENT says he sees one case of this a year and I'm the lucky one! He said although it's's just "located in a bad place". Unsure what to make of that.......
I will put in my 2 cents - I am a newbie and Canadian, so likely even worth less!
It think the above refers to the nature of schwan cell tumors - as I understand it, the cells/tumors aren't dangerous at all - they just get dangerous because they are located in the inner ear, close to the brain stem and squeezing out some rather valuable nerves.
My scenario seems very similar - I am 37 years old, a mom of 4 little ones (my eldest is 6 - yikes!) and a working mom. I was diagnosed in early December with a tiny little sucker - 5mm x 8mm - all IAC (which is key) with mild hearing loss and tinnitus (and well fullness = 'airplane ear' - got a good dose of that) as my only symptoms (so no dizziness - I was dizzy in November around the diagnosis but I subsequently think it was either anxiety on my part or the new birth control - no 'drive for five' in this household!) I am with a group of doctors that, while they leave the option to the patient, strongly encourage watch & wait if the symptoms aren't that bad (aside from hearing loss or tinnitus) with small IAC tumors. So, I am waiting the 6 months until May for my next MRI to see what the sucker has done. If it doesn't grow, I will continue to watch and research. I will be referred eventually to a radiation oncologist for Gamma Knife consult (probably four months or so) and even longer term for a neurosurgeon consult (it is being done now, but my ENT said I wouldn't likely see the doctor until late in the year - no fast turn around here for the low/no risk cases which is where I sit right now!)
From what I have been told and while I am hopeful, I am not confident the prognosis of hearing preservation despite having very good hearing and word recognition scores and regardless of the treatment option over the next 5-10 years. Jim - your words offer more encouragement. MY ENT explained that all options don't offer much of useful hearing (but some options definitely offer some hearing versus SSD). As a baseline (and terminology I am quickly learning about) - hearing better than 30db/70% word recognition.
I actually am a spitfire of energy (what mother of 4 isn't??) and not at all letting this sucker slow me down or discourage me - so please don't read this as negative. I am tickled pink I mightn't have to make a decision on treatment for several years. I will have 'deficits' (i.e hearing loss) but heck as things come, a small AN is pretty easy peasy for me. I will be ready for a decision when the time comes, but waiting for now fits me just fine.
Good luck this week - it is mind boggling how much I have learned about cranial nerves, audiograms, the 50/50 rule, the 70/30 rule, gamma knife, surgery and it goes on and on.
Can't wait to read what you learn.