Hi everyone--
This is my very first posting because I just found the forum.. I wish I'd have found sooner... this seems to be a really wonderful place or support and information!
I am 29 years old and I went to see an ENT in July for my slight hearing loss in my right year. I gave my history, which is that my mother, at the age of 54, five years ago, was diagnosed with 14mm AN on her right side and had suboccipital retrosigmoid approach at Johns Hopkins. Today she has very slight facial weakness, no hearing in her right ear, and no tears in her right eye (although the moisture is enough that does not need drops). Well, my very thorough ENT ordered an MRI to rule out the AN and a few days later I was called back and informed I did in fact have an AN.... 26mm x 27mm x 28mm.. it is pressing against my brain stem and I should have it removed by the end of the year.
I met with one doctor here in Charlotte who said my chances of getting the same post op results as my mother were best case scenerio and that more likely I would have mild to severe facial paralysis. Yikes! Not what this gal was excited to hear. So I did some research and was lead to the Carolina Ear and Hearing Institute in Raleigh-- because they'd done their training at the House Ear Institute. I had my consult in August and Dr Cunningham feels good about the results he can get using the translab approach.... I am still dealing with the though of the full hearing loss-- because right now, my hearing loss is not that significant.
So.... what I was really looking for was some words of encouragement. I have an awesome husband who is doing his best to encourage me through the roller coaster of emotions. I know it's pretty safe as far as surgeries go, but I always drawn back to the silly "what-if's". I have a daughter and son, seven and almost five years old respectively. I am scared about the procedure from time to time, scared about the recovery, unnerved by the unknowns. Okay, this sounds a bit more down-trodden than I was going for, and to be honest, most time I do quite well with the impending surgery.... schedule for December 18th up in Raleigh. Great timing right?

Well, thank to all for listening. I appreciate the forum!

And has anyone else know of this happening in families?? My doctors were not nearly as interested in the mother-daughter link as I thought they should be.