I had my GK in April of "ought 6" and I still get wonky-headed now and then. It is better, I am sure of that. And yes, it certainly depends on how much rest you've had, if you've had a good nights sleep or not, if you are stressed out and running on empty, etc. That darn vestibular nerve just isn't happy and if it's not happy, then it's going to let us know about it. Why being tired aggravates things is a bit of a mystery to me, but it does.
As a Star Trek fan, I immediately thought of the episode where Cap't Kirk is "out of phase" with the rest of the Universe and is floating around waiting for his shipmates to figure out where he is and rescue him. When I had Wonky Head at it's worst, I thought ' Wow, I'm out of phase. This is what Jim felt like!"
Anyway, it seems this is something most ANers have to deal with and usually it gets better over time as the nerve heals and the brain figures out how to deal with balance on one side of the head only. And our poor wee brains get tired and rebels, and there you have it.....wonky head in all it's glory.
Hang in there, Kids,
Sue in Vancouver USA