I love all of you! You brighten my day!
Glenda -
right back at ya

And BTW, Steve cracks me up too; he's very witty!
Yes, my doc is a little on the cautious side, but he can be funny if the situation requires it, which in my case it does lots of times. Humor helps me cope

Anyway, he explained that while my head is healing faster than he expected, he wants me to heal more before I attach the processor. I thought there might be an issue with the weight of the processor, but he said that's not it. He said something kind of mechanical - I think he even used the word "torque" - so I'm not sure how to word this properly. It was something about the action of taking the processor on and off the abutment making the abutment loosen up or not sit properly

I don't know exactly; but I trust him implicitly. He's the one who went to medical school. As I've said before, I'm an accountant - medical stuff is definitely not my forte. Plus at this point, I couldn't really ignore him and go against his recommendations even if I wanted to. He probably knows from experience that lots of anxious people, like me, would not follow his advice. So the processor is given to you at the 90-day followup appointment. Looking at the bright side though, I'm assuming that I won't be billed for it until then

I'm betting David's hat
is as stylish as mine, but I have to brag that mine had two smiley face stickers on it like this

I wish I would have thought to leave them on for the picture.