Author Topic: USE OF ANA DISCUSSION FORUMS! - March 2023  (Read 24356 times)


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  • ANA Forum Policewoman - PBW Cursed Cruise Director
« on: December 19, 2007, 09:49:52 am »
With full support of the ANA, as discussed with them directly, please note that we will no longer tolerate the name calling, bullying, degrading comments (also noted in private emails to us).  This is a health-related website.  We understand the nature of the beast (discussion forums on the internet) and will no longer tolerate "herd" mentality, backstabbing, etc.  Additional steps will be taken if lack of respect is demonstrated and the ANA is in full support of these possible necessary actions.  We are adults... let's act like adults.  Please be respectful, please be supportive, this is why we are here.  Any form of disrespect shown between forumites will be noted and proper actions taken.

We remind you of the purpose of this ANA discussion forum......

Purpose and Use of this Discussion Forum

"This forum is intended as a "Patient-to-Patient" resource. It should not be used for advertising of services, personal gain, or marketing other commercial services. It is intended to be a "Patient-to-Patient" resource for group support of issues relating to acoustic neuroma.

It is important to understand that this forum in no way constitutes medical advice. Your choice of treatment, or indeed whether you receive treatment at all, rests with you and your physician(s).

We know that each individual patient has differing needs, concerns, desires, and medical situations. The information on this forum may help you learn the opinions of other patients, and may suggest questions you can ask of your doctors or research yourself, but it is not medical advice.

You don't have to post messages to the forum but you are strongly encouraged to share your thoughts and experiences. The more information that is shared, the better. Whatever your questions, you will find many persons willing and eager to provide information and suggestions -- and most of all, strong moral support that comes from a shared medical problem! You are definitely not alone in facing AN."

Remember folks...we can agree to disagree, but lack of respect between forumites will not be tolerated.

On behalf of all the moderators and the ANA, we thank you for understanding and appreciate your cooperation.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 12:32:31 pm by Director »
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"