Author Topic: W & W insanity  (Read 6019 times)


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W & W insanity
« on: June 29, 2007, 07:26:01 pm »

  NF-2er here, just awaitin the other side to kill hearing and balance there too so total deafness can occur.
  Will someone pass the Xanax, please?
  Also, a hand gun, a Jack Daniels, and comic book of just "Ziggy".  : )
  Like the TV commercial for classic movies, "Isn't it great?"
  I was offered a chance, once, of mid fossa and possible hearing retention but chose insanity instead.
  Sorry; Just IMHO. Each is individual.


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Re: W & W insanity
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 12:48:06 am »
Yes - I agree with the notions
I was in contact with one of the NF2 crew organisers - just yesterday
My message was that I thought - despite the multiple treatments,
many disabilities and many issues- it was the psycological bit
that is the hardest to deal with.
Most Folks think they are immortal (and tall dark and handsome ?)
NF2  has a way of reminding you - you are not...
Strange thing is ...NOBODY  is - its just we dont like being told too often ?
(There was a stateside survey - 50% of all NF2s suffer from depression
......hardly surprising)
But the mental bit can be assisted - so seek help here
- you can still have good life
Oh.... and pass the bottle...
Best Regards