For those of u into music and don't have hearing aids...
I am a music therapist (go figure... ACOUSTIC neuroma)... I am deaf in the left. No tinnitus, but can't differentiate sound. Can still sing, work, and play guitar. Though not always correctly, but work w people in wheelchairs, so they don't mind! I love them!!
Anyway, my dad found an adaptor at Radio Shck that hooks into me ipod so I can hear all tracks on my good ear. If u are a music buff, I think you'd appreciate this immensely. Just be careful.. they come in diff sizes depending on ur pos/mp3 player. I'm sorta a music snob.... but if u r too... it's great.
Just a suggestion. Also, are hearing aids woth it? I'm waiting for the results of my Gamma Knife in Oct then exploring. I have no tinnitus just vertigo. I'm getting my masters in Social work, but I hear (haha) that sometimes aides don't help. aDVICE?
rOCK on, AN survivors! Lori