Author Topic: LacriLube Eye Ointment  (Read 4389 times)

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LacriLube Eye Ointment
« on: April 03, 2024, 03:08:27 pm »
I have been using Refresh LacriLube eye ointment since 1983! That is when I had my 3.5 cm acoustic neuroma removed. As a result of the surgery I am deaf  on the left side, dry eye on left side, and facial paralysis on left side. This June it will be 41 years! Alargan stopped making LacriLube eye ointment. I called them and they said it might be back on the market in April or May. I started using Equate Eye Ointment from WalMart, which is exactly the same as LacriLube. But then it was recalled by WalMart (for the second time) as possibly being contaminated. I PANICKED! I absolutely must have my eye lubricated 24/7 or it is extremely painful. What are you all using for eye lubrication? I also found on Amazon a product called Optase, which works pretty well. It is more expensive and I don't care for the packaging. If anyone has a good alternative to LacriLube, please let me know. Thank you.


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Re: LacriLube Eye Ointment
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2024, 09:34:37 am »

I hope that others will share their experiences here, and providing some links below that might be helpful for you.

The Dry Eye Shop

The Dry Eye Foundation

If you want to connect with ANA volunteers experiencing dry eye, reach out to

Take care,

The ANA Team

Jill Marie

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Re: LacriLube Eye Ointment
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 09:22:14 pm »
Hi! I know exactly how you are feeling, I use ointment 24/7 also and have since 1992.  I'm also left side deaf, dry eye and some paralysis.  I have experienced the no more eye ointment issues as well, discontinued, changed ingredients (new ones burn eye), increased price a lot and my favorite, temporarily out of stock while we change the design on the tube!  I have a HUGE stock of it now, to avoid future panic.  I use Bausch and Lomb Soothe PM.  I also wear an Acuvue Oasys w/Hydraluxe daily lens. It's a soft lens that I put in first thing in the morning and wear all day.  The lens cost just over $1.00 a day. It's worth it, before I got the lens I wanted my eye removed because I couldn't stand the pain anymore despite using 3 to 4 tubes of ointment a day.  I hope this helps!  Jill :)
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.