The fullness in my ear is what led me to the doctor. I felt like I have a plug in my left ear. Also had the hearing loss, about 50-60%. I had been having periods of dizzyness, but wrote that off to age

Tried to clean my ear with Over the counter drops without effect. Even tried to "Candle" the ear. (Wife has a picture she won't let me forget). When nothing helped, went to the local clinic and was told that ear canal was clear. Was started on decongestants and antibiotics, (have chronic sinusitis). Still no change. Finally drove me crazy enough that I contacted and audiology clinic. 1 round of prednisone and 1 MRI later, here I am with a +or- 2cm AN.
Surgery scheduled for January.
The hearing gets better, then worse. Noise, like in a restaurant increases my tinnitus to a point that I can hear little else. Its like the nerve is short-circuting causing extra noise.
Sometimes, laying down on my uneffected side will make my effected ear feel less full. Alcohol helps me tolerate the vertigo. (Don't know if I'm dizzy or drunk, but don't care)
At this point, I just want the thing gone!!