Now that I am 6 days post-CK, I can say so far, so good. After CK, I had all kinds of weird head and body feelings. The first couple days were probably the weirdest. Despite that, I have tried to keep moving. I rode again on Friday (two horses!). This time, I rode by myself - the Thursday after CK I had a seat lesson. This sort of lesson is done while the horse is on a lunge line (loooong rope), and you are riding walk, trot, canter in a circle around the person doing lunging. It’s a bit more controlled, focuses on balance, and was a good place for me to start. Friday, I rode and I was filled with such gratitude that I could still ride....oh how happy I was! I knew that in theory I would be fine, but it’s hard (for me, at least) to accept that. Though optimistic, I like to be conservative in managing my own expectations. Well, I wasn’t 100%, did wake with a smallish headache, and I did need to rest that afternoon, but I felt better than Thursday and Friday it was off to the barn!
I have been tired (Thursday - Sat were the most pronounced) but not too bad. I wasn’t racing around as usual, but for sure mobile.
Saturday and Sunday I went to the gym and was so grateful to find I could still go on the elliptical and rower and hustle…let me qualify this. I dislike the gym. I do not stay more than 30-45 minutes total on the machines. I am not a beast! But I could do the levels I usually do, and was not wiped out after.
That’s been pretty much my experience thus far. I wake up, feel better than I did the day before, and plow ahead. When I say better than I did before, I don’t mean that my AN symptoms are gone - they are still there! But the new ones - the ones that kind of alarmed me - are pretty much gone, and I am left with what I started with. Which is a-ok by me.
I should mention that yesterday as I was driving back from the barn, my eye was twitching! I became worried and messaged the nurses at Stanford (they have this awesome app!) they got back to me quite fast and said that Dr. Chang said eye twitching as I described is not associated with ANs, and is most likely fatigue or stress. I slept hard last night and no twitching today. Also, though my tinnitus waned during and for several days after treatment, but my talkative friend is back! Still a low, manageable noise, but man, I had such high hopes! Also, my face tingling has really gone down. It was not too bad before, but now it’s often barely noticeable. I am waiting for that to come back, too. But so far so good!
Monday it was back to work, and I am happy to report that it was not a challenge due to CK. More because I am lazy after not working for over a week! I got used to being a lady of leisure

M.A.: You are so right about exercise. Though I am very early in this process, walking, riding, biking, swimming or whatever activity you love, if you are able, keeping at it is a good thing. I hope you are right about my determination and optimism!