Author Topic: Boston- Barker/McKenna team  (Read 3228 times)


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Boston- Barker/McKenna team
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:15:34 am »
Hi all,

I am newly diagnosed with 2.8cm right side AN and am scheduled for surgery at Mass General in Boston in April 2015 with Barker and McKenna. I know they are one of the top teams in the country but was hoping to learn of others' experiences with that team just to calm my nerves. I tried the search function on the forum but didn't find what I was looking for.

Would anyone be willing to share their experience at MGH? Friendliness of the staff, length of surgery, outcome of surgery, post surgery hospital stay? I have never had surgery and am petrified so any info would be helpful. I have perfect hearing even given the size of the AN but was told I will probably lose it all. Did this team save anyone's hearing?

26 year old female Boston,MA
3cm AN diagnosed 2/13/15. 9.5 hour retrosigmoid surgery in April 2015 with Barker/McKenna


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Re: Boston- Barker/McKenna team
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2015, 02:38:59 pm »
Hi, my husband had an acoustic neuroma taken out by Dr. Barker/McKenna in 2011 and we can't say enough good things about them.  The operation went perfectly.  My husband was actually discharged 2 days after the operation.  They were not able to save his hearing, but we were prepared for that.  Other than the hearing loss, he has no after-effects at all.  You are in excellent hands with this team.  Best of luck!


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Re: Boston- Barker/McKenna team
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 03:17:22 pm »
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! Definitely helpful to hear a success story!
26 year old female Boston,MA
3cm AN diagnosed 2/13/15. 9.5 hour retrosigmoid surgery in April 2015 with Barker/McKenna