Author Topic: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,  (Read 4256 times)


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AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« on: January 31, 2013, 08:21:18 pm »
I have found this forum helpful and assuring. Although to sacrifice my hearing to retrieve the tumor is difficult to accept, because of my serious hobby in music,guitar player. My new life will begin 2.11.13. There have been many questions answered here for me, so much so I truly believe The Trans-Lab approach is the correct one for me  (2.5cm,hearing compromised,balance compromised and recently evidence of facial weakness).
The one question I have, once the bone has been removed and tumor extricated, do they put the bone back in place or just fill it with the fat from the abdomen(I keep forgetting to ask the Dr.)? OK maybe two for now, is there a need for a cane after the surgery for post-op  recovery?

Thank You ,

MEI(MI. Ear Institute)
Novi, MI. Providence Hospital
Lft 2.5cm Trans-Lab scheduled
Dr. Michael LaRouere,MD


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Re: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2013, 03:46:06 pm »

   I believe in Translab, a fat graft will be harvested from your abdomen, Mark.
   I've read of other musicians and single sided deafness. The one on another rock group gets along fine after some initial getting used to. You may want a musician's ear plug to protect the hearing of the good side. They cut albums so I assume things are well.
   Doubtful you'll need a cane as the other ear has likely already begun the compensation process. If so, not for more than a few days.
   Yes, translab provides the best view of the facial nerve of the surgical procedures. It also offers fewer regrowths.


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Re: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2013, 03:59:04 pm »
Hi mark,
Can't really answer any of your questions, but just wanted to say ill be there the same day, same hospital getting mine removed. Dr. Babu and Dr. Pieper. Good luck, hope all goes well.


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Re: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2013, 07:19:53 pm »
Thank you, for the encouraging replies.

Interesting information on the existence of musicians with SSD! I'll will be definitely looking into this.The graft is concerning , it just seems like a soft spot behind the ear would be a concern.
I know I should be more grateful,not cancer,no long term chemo, just knowing I have a week left to enjoy listening to music in stereo(head phones)is difficult to come to terms with, but! if they save my facial nerve I take the trade.
@ Elizabeth, Wow! My surgery will be preformed by Dr. LaRouere and Dr. Pieper! seems as though Dr. Pieper really is a great surgeon, two places at the same time! LOL, I'm scheduled for a 10:00am, If you don' mind me asking, what time is yours ,which approach and size of your AN?
 I wish you well and great luck to you.


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Re: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2013, 06:15:50 pm »
Hi mark,
I'm right before surgery is begins at 730am, I have to be at providence at 530. How are you doing? Dumb question?? I am having translab, which makes me sad because my hearing is PERFECT.  My tumor is 2.5cm on the left side. Did the hospital call you today?


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Re: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2013, 09:31:14 pm »
Hello Elizabeth,
 Yes they did call me and originally confirmed me for 8:00 and surgery for 10:00am.
that all change an hour or so later,now 5:30-7:30am surgery, she told me they decided to move me up.
Are you still 5:30-7:30am ? I'm really amazed at our similarities, especially 2.5cm, Left side,trans-lab, same day,hospital and surgeon(Pieper).
Which I'm wondering how they are going to manage this, same operating room to? LOL.
Yes, taking something away which still works is a difficult thing to come to terms with! They tell me this is the best option for me cause size and location in order to preserve the facial nerve as much as possible. (A trade if you will)
It's like taking a kidney! No, not happy with this either, as long as they save the facial nerve then I'll be content,
I hope.  At Least it's not cancer!         


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Re: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2013, 06:42:56 am »
I know in the farthest thing from a brain surgeon, but really, how is he going to be operating on both of us during the same time frame? I think I'm going to call! I certainly wouldn't want one of sitting and "waiting" for pieper!! STRANGE! Does your ear hurt at all?


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Re: AN diagnosed 12.28.12,
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2013, 07:47:30 pm »
Every now and then a sharp pain to a moderate pulse. Hows yours?
Did you get through to them today? Something tells me they do this often, they have always stressed to me it's a team approach.(each of us with are own team?)
How they would do it is a very good question. Please let me know what you find out.