I am 55 days post op, today. And yes, I find I need more rest. I've always loved to sleep, like the actress Joan Hackett, who had put on her tombstone "Go away; I'm sleeping!. But now, I need about 11 hours and have to fight off daytime naps. I don't like to sleep in the day, because I have real trouble getting to sleep at night. Sometimes, however, sleep is just a big black hole that is going to swallow me into the abyss, and I just have to give up and go with it.
That brings me to the subject of my frustration. First, I have to say that I have had a truly blessed recovery - no nausea, no vertigo, balance problems improved, no real headaches, minimal trouble regaining eye function and focus (reading withing 3 weeks), no facial paralysis, and the anesthesia/postoperative depression lifted in about a month. So I have faced NONE of the difficulties that I know members of this board have faced/are facing. This makes my complaint seem trivial, and to some extent, it is. But it's also one of those 'Chinese water torture' drop things that wears away at your emotions. So I am venting.
I have always been the primary caretaker, and my husband and daughter have done their best to take over that role. And I know that I am JUST BARELY into my recovery, so I am being deeply impatient. But here is what happens, for instance: Last Thursday I got up, took a shower, made a dozen deviled eggs and went to mass with a friend from church. Then we stayed for the 'retiree's luncheon, as it's lovingly called, after. There were about 10 people there. My friend drove me home, and kaboom - up loomed that black abyss of exhaustion waiting for me. Nap time. It seems that my limit for doing anything is about 3 hours. Then I am overwhelmed with exhaustion (as I've described it before, the 'sand filled rag doll with a toe in her hole' syndrome) and I am useless.
How long does this last? I repeat, I'm totally impatient and only 55 days from surgery, but tell me this at least extends at some point to a normal day of work sometime soon?

? Not in years, but months?
The sleeping part - that's not too bad.