I had CK, and had a big choking incident only about a week after treatment. Actually, I've learned it's more of an esophageal spasm thing, as opposed to an upper throat thing. The decadron gave me really high blood pressure that week, and when I had this incident, I was certain I was having a heart attack, what with the chest pain and all. I wound up in the ER later that night, and they put me on blood pressure meds.
Over the last year, I've had several, more minor instances of this spasm, and one big one around Christmas. Notably, I had another round of steroids near Thanksgiving. My primary care doc said in January that she thinks the steroids started me on a vicious cycle of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). She prescribed Nexxium, and I've had scarcely an issue with heartburn, GERD, spasm, etc. over the past couple weeks. Maybe she was right!
The doctor explains that stomach acid splashes up onto the esophageal lining, which is quick to get sort of chronically irritated, and this is what causes the spasm. I had more sinister thoughts of collateral damage to other cranial nerves from the CK. I've wound up on more medications this year than I like, and I think these have added to the irritation. Maybe sometimes the more simple explanation turns out to be right. I hope you find a solution to your problem - talk to your doctors about this.