Thanks for your reply, Scott. My doctor ordered 1mm 'cuts'. I ended up calling the doctor's office and he said I should go for the T3 thing since it gives a better picture. So I scheduled that. I still wonder about the MRA someone on here mentioned but I guess I'll just go with the MRI.
A couple of comments.
For reasons I won't get into here, I had requested MRI slices at 1.5mm or less.
One place I called fought me on it, saying that the radiologist didn't want slices that small.
I protested because the Dr. who was going to use the MRI images specifically asked for slices that thin. I didn't care so much what the radiologist wanted, the images were not primarly for him. In the end I went somewhere else.
I'd have been thrilled to get 1mm slices. How'd you luck out?

Secondly . . . a tiny bit of research on "MRI vs MRA" should answer your question. you have some cause to doubt your doctor's ordering of an MRI vs an MRA?
MRA looks like it is a type of MRI that is aimed at imaging blood vessels. (A = Angiometry)
Are you trying to image the tumor? Go MRI.
Are you trying to image bloodvesels - Go back and ask for why you aren't getting an MRA.