Over the years I've noticed swollen glands on various areas of my body. This started prior to knowing about having an AN. The ones that surprised me the most were the ones along my groin line (both sides). Like small hard small peas. I made a doctor's appt. for them, but when he checked them out he said "swollen glands are a sign of infection in the body" and proceeded to ask me questions about whether I was sick or had been sick recently, or showed any minute signs of sickness (I hadn't). I also had one in my neck at the time. Only one side, along the jaw line. It bothered me that he was dismissive of the lumps because if they were a sign of infection and I had no other signs of infection-to me it meant that my body might be fighting something off. But hey-I'm no doctor.
Fast forward another year, and I find out I have the AN that has been undetected for years. I had it removed surgically at the end of May this year. Throughout all of this, I never thought again about the swollen glands. But today, I noticed that they are STILL swollen (quite large under my jaw line-still just one side.....the AN side). When I googled 'swollen glands' I found : Glands can also swell and become tender after an injury, such as a cut or bite, or when a tumor or infection occurs in the mouth, head, or neck.
So I'm wondering if this is all part of the AN or is a sign of something else. Theoretically, it *could* be because of the AN-but then, wouldn't it be gone now that the tumor is gone?
Anyone have any idea? Anyone else have swollen glands prior to and after their surgery/treatment?
Thanks everyone,