Author Topic: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!  (Read 225141 times)


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GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« on: October 15, 2009, 03:16:12 pm »
Hi everyone,

Yesterday I went to my follow up appointment with the otologist. He told me about "SoundBite" a non-surgical, removable hearing device for SSD that transmits sound via the teeth.  This new product  is not in the market yet,  but could be ready for sale on 2010. My doctor told me that SoundBite will be much better than Baha and TransEar.

Here is the link

I cross my fingers,
Left side AN 2.5x1.8 removed on 10/17/2007 endosc. by Dr.Shahinian (retrosig) at SBI, LA,Ca. Facial phalsys (almost back). Balance issues. Tinnitus. MRI 8 months later showed AN was resected completelly.TransEar 11/2008. Clinical trial for SoundBite 11/2009. SoundBite user.I have the best family.

Kiwi Don

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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 03:23:22 pm »
Hi Gloria,
Thanks for the post, sure looks promising.
24July09 Diagnoised with Left AN 2.0cm x 1.9cm
Translab Scheduled 7April10

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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 04:03:52 pm »
I contacted about the trial but they responded & said that it was limited to the San Francisco area...bummer....

K   :-\
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 04:32:26 pm »
Hi Kaybo,

I contacted also about the trial by email and just few minutes ago I received a call from SONITUS, they gave to me an appointment for next tuesday in order to see if I qualify for the trial. I live in San Jose Bay Area.

I will post the results,
Left side AN 2.5x1.8 removed on 10/17/2007 endosc. by Dr.Shahinian (retrosig) at SBI, LA,Ca. Facial phalsys (almost back). Balance issues. Tinnitus. MRI 8 months later showed AN was resected completelly.TransEar 11/2008. Clinical trial for SoundBite 11/2009. SoundBite user.I have the best family.


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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2009, 05:25:35 pm » let us know how it goes next week...though I've ruled out getting a BAHA probably, this might be something I'd think about...

I'm curious as to whether it will help w/ directionality - isn't the new BAHA supposed to help w/ that issue? 

rt side 1.5 cm - Translab on 11/07/08 Dr. Friedman & Dr. Schwartz of House Ear Institute,
feeling great!

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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2009, 06:18:06 pm »
This looks so great. Thanks for the link, Gloria. There have been several people despondent about their SSD over at the hemifacial spasm list, so I posted the link there.

I hope you qualify for the trial.

MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13


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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2009, 07:32:02 pm »
Very interesting link - this works on bone conduction just like the BAHA does.

As a BAHA wearer, I have a few comments - and I want to stress that these are my opinions/concerns only - and everyone is different. 

I chose the BAHA because I didn't want to wear something behind or in my ear - this has a piece you wear behind the ear.  If you don't mind wearing something in or behind the ear, why not just get a TransEar or a conventional hearing aid?  Why wear something near the ear and in your mouth?

Call me skeptical, but I'm leery of anything containing batteries going into my mouth - hermatically sealed or not. 

I also wonder about two pieces being involved - what is the potential that one of these pieces will malfunction or not work properly?   

Does the "retainer-like" device cause the wearer to talk funny?  And as you age, and potentially have a need for dentures, does that mean you can't continue to wear the mouth device?

One of the nice things about my BAHA is that the piece in my skull is permanent.  And if new technology becomes available, or other companies besides Cochlear manufacture BAHA devices (case in point, Oticon) it's easy to make a switch to the latest and greatest.

And as I age, if the hearing in my "good" ear diminishes, I just get a higher powered processor.

That said, if this invention works it would be great for those with SSD who might be interested in it.  Like the BAHA, it wouldn't be for everyone, but to each his own.

I hope they pick you for the trial, Gloria.  Please keep us posted - I'd love to hear how this works.

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2009, 07:40:07 pm »
That kind of stinks since they had no way of knowing where I was from - they just flat out told me NO!!   :-[

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
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Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2009, 07:48:56 pm »
Thx for the update.

I'm always looking for optiions that are non surgical (i don't want to see another surgeon!)
Not sure about the 2 devices (I'm with you Jan0 but hopefully this progress will lead to wireless bluetooth hearing with no devices near the head at all, just need to carry a small device in a pocket - nice to dream.

2.0cm AN removed Nov 2002.
Dr Chang St Vincents, Sydney
Australia. Regrowth discovered
Nov 2005. Watch and wait until 2010 when I had radiotherapy. 20% shrinkage and no change since - You beauty
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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2009, 07:53:59 pm »
Maybe Gloria was the last person they needed for the trial, Kay. I'm sorry they told you no. I would vote for you.

MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13


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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2009, 08:02:45 pm »
This is an interesting-looking device, though it seems a bit cumbersome.

My question re: the retainer-like device -- can you wear it while eating?? If this was mentioned in the link, I missed it. Seems as though it would sort of defeat the purpose if it needs to be removed then, so maybe it can stay in during meals. You would probably need to give it a very thorough cleaning after eating!!

It will be good to learn more about this as it develops ... but I think I'll stick with my BAHA.

Catherine (JerseyGirl2)
Translab surgery and BAHA implant: House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, 1/2008
Drs. J. House, Schwartz, Wilkinson, and Stefan
BAHA Intenso, 6/2008
no facial, balance, or vision problems either before or after surgery ... just hearing loss
Monmouth County, NJ


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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2009, 08:13:02 pm »
I'm curious as to whether it will help w/ directionality - isn't the new BAHA supposed to help w/ that issue? 

Forgot to say, that yes, the new BP100 has improved directionality (compared to the Divino and the Intenso).  The new Ponto by Oticon is supposed to also have improved directionality - I haven't tried it yet though, so I can't confirm that.

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2009, 08:31:26 pm »
Wow.  Interesting.  What will they think of next?  Thanks for sharing this Gloria.  I look forward to hearing about your trial of it.

I have to admit, I'm a bit skeptical of the whole thing - can't imagine it being better than the BAHA or TransEar - perhaps the sound quality might be a little better, but I would not be able to tolerate the in ear part - which is why I went with the BAHA.  I also like the fact that I only have to worry about one device, rather than 2 ( I tend to lose things!).  And I wonder about how it would affect your speech too.  I never had braces or a retainer, so I don't know if those things are noticeable while in your mouth, but I know with my facial nerve issues and post- 7/12, I have to really concentrate on making sure my speech is not slurred - I'm sure anything attached in there would make it worse.

What I do like though, is the rechargeable battery!  Too bad they haven't figured out how to do that with regular hearing aid batteries.

Keep us posted!
Right 3cm AN diagnosed 1/2007.  Translab resection 2/20/07 by Dr. David Kaylie and Dr. Karl Hampf at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.  R side deafness, facial nerve paralysis.  Tarsorraphy and tear duct cauterization 5/2007.  BAHA implant 11/8/07. 7-12 nerve jump 9/26/08.


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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2009, 06:34:41 am »
I just wanted to get in on the free trial - especially since the BAHA demonstration wasn't very good (however, the more I think about it, the more I think that those reps didn't try very hard).  I wondered about the speech thing too...& the eating.  I got the impression that you wore something BEHIND the ear, not in.  I don't want anything in my one good ear!!

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
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Re: GOOD NEWS...NEW INVENTION FOR SSD... Sounds good for us!!!!
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2009, 09:04:17 am »
Hi all ..... thanks Gloria for sharing the link!  Interesting.

I read that SoundBite website and the four accompanying links at the bottom.  Here's a paragraph from the "Technology" link:

"SoundBite is designed to detect sounds using a small microphone placed within the open ear canal of the impaired ear. The nearly invisible, thin tube microphone is attached to the transmitter unit worn behind the ear. This microphone placement in the pinna or outer ear is intended to allow the SoundBite hearing system to capitalize on the natural acoustic ability of the outer ear to capture and direct sound into the open ear. SoundBite system hearing is intended to provide clear, high fidelity sound and is designed to restore normal hearing to patients."

So to answer several previous questions .... there is not only a behind-the-ear transmitter to the tooth thingy, but also an in-the-ear microphone.

Some of you, as I am, are curious about this device while eating.  One of the places where capturing conversation is most difficult for us SSD-ers is at restaurants.  The website doesn't mention anything about eating while wearing.  I'm guessing that, like most oral appliances, it's left in while eating .... but do you also capture increased sounds of chewing?  Since the teeth are connected to the jaw bone .... and the jaw bone is connected to the skull bone .... and the ...... well, you get the idea .... I can't imagine NOT hearing all that noise in my mouth.

One last thing .... the baha post is permanently connected to skull, as Jan mentioned, thereby creating a direct path for sound vibrations.  What ensures that SoundBite's retainer thingy is always tightly against the teeth, making for that all-important contact for max vibration transmission?

So, any of you that do try this device ....  please let us know answers from the SoundBite experts .... as well as your thoughts (which might be more important).

Thanks    ;D ;D ;D
1.5 cm AN retrosig 11/04.
Drs. Henry Brem & Michael Holliday @ Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
SSD right. Tinnitus big-time, only when thinking of it.
BAHA since 7/20/10 ... really helps w/ hearing, specially after programming in subliminal message: "Hey, don't listen to your tinnitus!"