Author Topic: Lost my special girl today  (Read 10281 times)


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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2010, 06:49:53 pm »
So many of us can empathize with you :'( Losing a pet is like losing a family member, and I could see how close you two were!
Even with pets, we go through the grieving and it hurts, really hurts, but does get better as time goes by.
Our little chihuahua rat terrier mix was  cute as a button with his little chihuahua ears. We lost him on our property from a pack of dogs, and it just about killed me who has never been a dog person! The vet bills to save him were astronomical, all to no avail.

Our 15 y/o at the time was devastated. We have heard that you're not supposed to run out and get a "replacement" dog, but we found a lively,spunky,nutty rat terrier-Bella- who has stolen our hearts. (and similar to to "kip.")
She too will break our hearts someday, it's just inevitable.

Hang in there.....I buried Kip in our back yard, and am working on expanding the " shade garden" in honor of him.
Peace to you,
06/06-Translab 3x2.5 vascular L AN- MAMC,Tacoma WA
Facial nerve cut,reanastomosed.Tarsorrhaphy
11/06. Gold weight,tarsorrhaphy reversed
01/08- nerve transposition-(12/7) UW Hospital, Seattle
5/13/10 Gracilis flap surgery UW for smile restoration :)
11/10/10 BAHA 2/23/11 brow lift/canthoplasty


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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2010, 09:55:57 pm »

I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. My Max was a yellow lab mix who was found on the streets when he was about 4 months old. Friends knew I was thinking about getting a dog, and they brought Max to me and my two girls. Max was a sweetheart and over the years we had so many good times. He watched over me and my girls and helped get us through a divorce and a move. He was our constant, always knowing when one of us needed some special cuddling with him. W hen he was 10 he became very sick, stopped eating and drinking. , it hit me that When I took him to the vet and he just laid on a blanket quietly,  not at all interested in all the other dogs around, I began to cry knowing he was very sick. After many tests and then two trips to the big animal hospital in the city, Max was dignosed with cancer- tumors in his stomach and rectum. They said they could do surgery on him and he would probably be okay, although he would never be the same. I took him home and went back to my neighborhood vet, whom I trusted, and asked what he would do if this was his dog. He was heartbroken when he told me he would not do the surgery- that Max would always have alot of problems. He would have bowel incontinence, very little energy and would only be a shadow of himself. I left him at the vet to get some IV fluid and went home to digest this awful news. How could I put Max through all that surgery and pain knowing he would be alive but never well. And how could I take him back home and put my kids through this same scenario again and again- him limp and sick as could be, then going to the vet getting some IV for a day or two, then coming home and being sick all over again in another two days. And so I had to do the hardest thing possible, to put my dear companion to sleep on a day when he looked well and seemed fine. I still cry when I think of this, but I know I did the right thing for Max, not allowing him to suffer for the benefit of a few good days here and there. I remember how months afterwards, as I was driving home from work at night, I would get this hollow feeling in my heart as I pulled up to my home and knew Max woudn't be there waiting for me. It took me three years to become ready to accept another dog in my life. Now I have my beautiful Maggie, a terrier mix who I adopted from an animal shelter. She is my sunshine and I know that Max would approve of her. I also know that someday she too will leave me and join Max, but I "would rather have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all." I tell you all of this not to make you sad, but to tell you that those we love are always with us and although it may take time, you will heal and you will "love" again.
Retrosigmoid 9/24/09
AN 2.4+ cm left side
Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC (Dr. Bederson and Dr. Choe)
BAHA surgery 1/4/2010


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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2010, 10:14:33 am »
You all are the best and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words.  I'm still so sad and mad and all the emotions in between, but finally I'm feeling a little better.  I look at my yellow lab all alone and it breaks my heart, so I think sooner than later I will be adopting another chocolate lab.  I am not ready, but she needs the company and of course rescuing helps to rationalize getting another dog so soon.  There are so many of these sweet dogs out there who are looking for a home just like ours.  We will be making a donation in Keena's name to our rescue group and then telling them to find us another pretty labbie...

What a whirlwind of emotion...
Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2010, 10:51:29 am »
Thanks Donnalynn  :)   Lots of good memories!
Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2010, 01:07:50 pm »
I am sorry about Keena.  What a pretty name!  We have a male beagle-basset combo that is 17-18 years old.  We just have to get all of the love out of them that we can for the short time they are in our lives. 

Diagnosed 7/06: AN - right side: 1.3cm in transverse dimension, 6mm in AP dimension, and 6mm in cephalocaudal dimension.
GK 12/06- Wake Forest Univ Baptist Med Ctr
MRI 5/07- Some necrosis;  Now SSD
MRI 12/08- AN size has reduced 50%
MRI 12/11- AN stable (unchanged from 12/08)
Next MRI: 12/16

Captain Deb

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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2010, 01:36:32 am »

So sorry about your Keena.  I also have a chocolate Lab and I know how special they are.  A few years ago I lost my Ursa, a sweet, sweet, Black Lab, to a spinal tumor.  The vet said I could maybe have surgery on her, but it would be a lot to put on her through at almost 9 years old.  She had laid on the bed with me during every one of my brainwrecks and comforted me.  I swear that dog almost knew when they were coming!  I opted for the humane thing--for her to go to Doggie Heaven to be with her Aunt Sassy, another black Lab, and my wonderful father Dr. Ed.  My dad was a great veterinarian who always used to say he was going to Doggie Heaven when he passed.  I know he is up there now, throwing a tennis ball for Keena.

Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2010, 11:06:25 am »
Thanks Deb and as a fellow lab lover you know how special they can be and they are up there with great company too  :)
Thank you for the kind words,

Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

4cm in Pacific Northwest

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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2010, 04:55:49 pm »
BIG HUGS ... from a fellow lab owner. Mine has been my companion during all this AN tuma stuff too. He stepped up to the hearing-service-dog plate without too much training... he also forced me to get out and walkie walks... no matter how wonky headed I was.... as when a lab has to pee... they have to pee. And my goodness if they have been stuck inside too long and really really have to go... we are all amazed at how much pee comes out as they can stand there relieving for almost 5 minutes (Sorry a little lab owner humor in attempts to cheer you)

My heart goes out to you.

I live in farm country where my dog is most at ease (he hated walking in the city)... do you live in the country too?

Another fellow Lab owner HUG being sent your way.


4cm Left, 08/22/07 R/S 11+ hr surgery Stanford U, Dr. Robert Jackler, Dr. Griffith Harsh, Canadian fellow Assist. Dr. Sumit Agrawal. SSD, 3/6 on HB facial scale, stick-on-eyeweight worked, 95% eye function@ 6 months. In neuromuscular facial retraining. Balance regained! Recent MRI -tumor receded!


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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2010, 09:08:49 pm »
They really can pee for an eternity, too funny.  They are also great alarms, too bad they can't help with the alarm clock...always sleep right through that thing  :)
I'm am feeling much more cheery as we have decided to get another chocolate to keep our yellow company, she hasn't been the same dog and she needs the companionship.

Thank you so much and yes we do live in the country and on a dead end street, but when we walk out to the main road the yellow one sorta freaks out when cars go by so yes I totally understand that one.  They prefer to go for a swim any day over a walk...

Thanks for the hug,
Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2010, 03:55:35 pm »
Lots of animal lovers on here and I can't imagine anyone not sympathizing with your situation and your loss.  I have cried a bucket or two of tears over my lifetime because of the loss of our pets.  I had one kitty that I literally fell in love with (I saw her and my heart melted!)  and this was back in the days when we let cats run free in the neighborhood.  She would have had a much longer life if I had had the brains to make her an indoor kitty.  She was probably hit by a car, but survived the encounter only to have serious issues with her bladder.  Her tail was paralyzed and she couldn't urinate on her own.  There was nothing to be done, and I held her in my arms for hours that evening and cried and cried and cried and cried. The last kitty we had, Pepper, lived for 19 years, a long life for a cat.  She was a survivor, having overcome feline distemper as a kitten.  In the end she had kidney problems and she was sickly for a year.  We actually had to give her fluid ourselves with an IV.  It's easy in a just goes under the skin and then she slowly filled up with water until she kind of sloshed like a furry water balloon.  The saline was slowly assimilated into her system and she lived many more months with me doing that for her.  Finally, she looked at me and she was miserable, and I looked at her and we knew it was time to let her go.  And that's the last pet we have had.  I'm near tears writing this, and this happened 10 years ago now.  When I think of owning another pet I think of two things:  1.  the expense of being a pet owner again, and 2. going through the loss of the pet.

 It's a very difficult thing because we fall in love with our animal companions just as we do with our human companions. 

Pepper is still with us.  She was cremated and is in her own special place near the fireplace, because that was where she like to curl up and sleep. And when it's my turn, she goes with me to where ever my ashes will be.   

So, do we understand?  You betcha!!  Hugs to you in the loss of your special girl. :'( :'( :'(

Sue in Vancouver, USA
Sue in Vancouver, USA
 2 cm Left side
Diagnosed 3/13/06 GK 4-18-06
Gamma Knife Center of Oregon
My Blog, where you can read my story.

The only good tumor be a dead tumor. Which it's becoming. Necrosis!
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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2010, 08:30:22 pm »
Thanks Sue, and we just got Keena back in a box yesterday, made me mourn her all over again, but I'm happy we have her back.  We are planning on planting a weeping cherry and burying her under it...

On a good note we found another dog and we are getting her on Sunday.  She's also a chocolate lab femail and a rescue from KY, I still have mixed emotions, but it will be something for us to focus our energy on.  She will never replace Keena, but she will help me to remember my favorite girl.  Linnie (our yellow) will be the happiest of all.  Someone new to share her life with, walks, hikes, swimming, fetch and playtime....I am so happy for her!  Can't wait for the new memories we are going to make!

Thank you all again : )

Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2010, 07:22:20 am »

I have had so many dogs in my life that I am can’t  remember all their names … I remember our Malamutes / Wolf cross  who was named Kriska … we raised huskies when my dad was stationed in Alaska and a wolf visited her momma whose name I can’t remember …we kept her from the litter and the Eskimo sledders bought up the rest saying the cross was a good  dog … another was Wendy a chocolate lab that we inherited in Alaska when someone stationed there was sent to Korea and couldn’t keep her … this when my brother Roy was about 6 month old and Wendy who was spayed recently  , just after having pups adopted Roy…then there was a Black Lab named Boots who was a terror …very destructive dog ,  but he was also a homeless dog who was left on base when a GI was transferred and Daddy took him in …he ate our squirrels and chased moose without much luck  asdie from running to the house with the moose at his heels …he also barked around the clock … eventually went to a man who wanted a dog to put in junk yard to keep people out at night Boots ran all night long from wreck to wreck playing an barking … the man loved him …

One dog that sticks out as  a much loved dog was a yellow lab who I still think about from time to time and I have a millions stories from

When we were kids, my brother who is about 2 years younger than me ,  wanted a dog for his birthday parents brought home a yellow lag ...a high energy ball of fur and tongue ...geez he could lick you to death ... Roy wanted to name him Samuel ... but the two younger boys then 4 and 2 wanted to help name the dog ... so to keep the peace and not be pressured into feeling like they would have to match the gift of a dog for the rest of the boys , they told Roy that they could help in the naming ....4 year old wanted to name him B is for Boy ( pre-school letter of the week  ;D ..could have been F is for Fox or W is for witch or z is for Zipper had it been a different week ) and the 2 year wanted to name him Dog ... he became Samuel B. Dawg on all his papers ...he had come to us with  a lovely long fancy name , but they sent off paper work to officially re-name him ... In the end he was simply Sam

as I said , Sam was a ball of energy when he came to us …first night there we were watching him run in the back yard and he tried his best to get a basket ball in his mouth but only managed to get his 6 week old belly over the top with hind legs hanging off one side and front legs over the other side … he was always into something and very entertaining …he was a comedian in his former life or his comedic spirit is now wandering around in a comedians body

He had to stay outside any time we were gone because even though easily house trained he was in live with furniture legs and like to eat them …or we would come in and find him sprawled on the dining room table …but we had a big shaded back yard …it had a playhouse built by former owners , a tire swing he could swing in by putting front half of his body through and walk around in circles with his tongue hanging out and I swear he was laughing …he always look to us and gave a funny little yip to make sure we looked at anything he was doing … just like a little kid saying hey mom look at me

he also had plenty of water at all times and in California that is a must …his pan that would hold about a gallon was next to a faucet … easy for us kids to refill …and when we dump water and refilled the bowl Sam would be right there not clowning and watching every move we made like he was studying us and he was …

we were gone all day when we went to a grove / farm … we had gone to pick fresh produce and fruit to freeze and can …and came home to water running down the driveway …Daddy ran in the house thinking buster line …water was seeping in the glass slider and water up about a foot on it … we  ran around house looking for a source and discovered watered running out over the 8 inch blocked wall that Daddy had built across the gate to keep Sam from digging under it and escaping ( again) …open the gate and find the yard with 8 to 12 inches of water filling the side of the yard closest to house …yard slope up away from house so water was deep there and nothing up hill …and the lovely rock wall did a good job holding back the tide  … and there is Sam all happy with himself splashing and playing in the pool he had made … we are talking water that deep over an area maybe 10 x 30 …Sam was in water heaven … and we kids pulled off our shoes and joined him …Daddy went and turned off the running water and accused us of leaving it on when we left that morning … Sam went over to the wll where spigot came out and put the handle in his mouth and with a few twists of his head had water flowing again and bounced over to Daddy smiling and wanting praise for a job learned … Daddy patted his head and went to get the tool box and removed the handle … after we were thoroughly soaked Daddy busted the blocks blocking the gate and let water out …

As Sam grew he out grew us size wise … he was next to impossible to walk by the time he was 6 month old …we were all small for our age and scrawny and it took at least two of us to hold him back … for adults he walked perfect and heeled and sat on command … but with us kids he was just too much for us to handle …

one day we walked him to the school playground … he loved sliding … we played for a while then attempted to go home …Sam had other ideas that eventually led to me body surfing across the grassy ball field  on my belly … the shorts I had on with stretchy waist band ended up around my ankles … thankfully panties didn’t come off too …a few scrapes , my shirt arms and legs were green but not really hurt … tried to sneak in and clean up unnoticed but we didn’t manage it … Daddy advertised Sam in the paper … we interviewed maybe a dozen hopefuls …Sam was special and we weren’t going to give him to just anybody … he ended up in Ojai with a policeman who wanted him as a companion dog on walking rounds …not a police dog who was trained to attack , just a dog … the man said that people trusted a police with a friendly smiling dog more than just a guy walking around with a baton and gun on his hip …he had a mutt that had recently died and said he wasn’t really looking for a replacement but when he saw the ad decided to check Sam out and ended up the winner in the Sam giveaway  …

Ojai at that time was a small community … and we went to a state park often that was near Ojai to camp and saw Sam when we did … he always had doggy kisses for us and  bounced when we saw him …he was a great dog but too much for us and he was going to end up hurting us not intentionally but just in play … when we left California we went to say good bye to him …lots of hugs and tears were exchanged …I am glad to have had him pass through my life
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2010, 03:33:41 pm »
I am not sure how I missed this post, but wanted to add my belated condolences.  People who don't have furry family members probably don't completely "get" how deeply we love our four legged friends.  As an only child, our Irish Setter was more like a sibling than a pet and it still makes me weepy to think of him.  My mom says that you can count on two things when you bring a pet into your life:  1) that they will love you unconditionally and totally, and 2) that they will eventually break your heart.  As with most things, mom was right.  Fortunately, my husband shares my love of animals - we have two cats and a geriatric collie, all rescued.  And, since we don't have children, they really are our kids.  We know that Carrie, our collie, is getting near the end of her days, and we have promised ourselves (and her) that we will not let her suffer.  Brave words and I know that we will both be sobbing when the time comes.  For now, though, we just enjoy all the time we them. 

I am sure that having a new puppy will bring some extra joy into your lives.  She won't replace Keena, of course, but she'll find a new place in your hearts and pretty soon you will not be able to imagine life without her. 

Sending you a big hug.

Debbi - diagnosed March 4, 2008 
2.4 cm Right Side AN
Translab April 30, 2008 at NYU with Drs. Golfinos and Roland
SSD Right ear, Mild synkinesis and facial nerve damage
BAHA "installed" Feb 2011 by Dr. Cosetti @ NYU


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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2010, 05:33:52 pm »
Soundy, Love your memories of that crazy lab, our dogs do some of the silliest things, but these are the memories that stick with us.  Keena used to play on the play scape at the school behind our house.  She climbed up AND went down the fear that dog.

Debbi, Yes they will always break our hearts, but its worth it for all the happy times. 

We did get our new dog, she's fantastic and some of her mannerisms remind me of Keena, but she's not nearly as stubborn  :D  She's still settling in to her routine, but she's really a special dog, who I think was hand picked by Keena  ;)
Oh the range of emotions our pets bring...she really is a doll (thanks Keena)

Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Lost my special girl today
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2010, 06:01:02 pm »
I had to smile when I read that some of your new pup's mannerisms remind you of Keena, almost as if Keena had selected her. 

About 15 years ago, I rescued a beautiful grey and while cat from the jaws of death (she was literally one hour from being "euthanized" at the shelter!)  Two days later I found out that my mom had cancer - Mom beat the cancer and Cleo flourished.  When I met Willie and we subsequently got married, Cleo was our family.  She was even in some of the wedding pictures!  Well, about 3 years ago Cleo was suffering the maladies of old age and we made the very painful decision to let her go.  By that time, we had Carrie, our Collie and a second cat, Rocket.  So, we thought we'd just keep the two of them.  Of course, that lasted about 2 weeks and we found ourselves bringing home a 6 month old Calico rescue named Phoebe.  And, it is the craziest thing, but I swear that Phoebe has taken on some of Cleo's very specific mannerisms - strange stuff that our other cat has never done.  We always smile when we see Phoebe doing something very Cleo-like because we know Cleo is still with us.  Just as Keena will always be with you.
Debbi - diagnosed March 4, 2008 
2.4 cm Right Side AN
Translab April 30, 2008 at NYU with Drs. Golfinos and Roland
SSD Right ear, Mild synkinesis and facial nerve damage
BAHA "installed" Feb 2011 by Dr. Cosetti @ NYU