Okie dokie,
The good ship PBW is off again -
the air is silent, the mist is low and hovers over the still ocean, the crew, well, what can i say about the crew! They are all still fast asleep after a rather heavy night of lottin and plunderin and exhausting the rum barrels. Where did this take place you may ask,
Everyone must now close their eyes and envisage blurry scenery as we travel back in time.
Well, a long, long time ago (yesterday to be precise) Captain Deb and her specially hand picked team of the most rotten scalleys and wenches (names suppressed for legal reasons), took off on the whirly girly dinghy thingy after Pooter had returned it in a few pieces. The Captain had earmarked a what was thought to be, small island in the Indian ocean, and thought that her and her meanest and rottenest (new word to be added to the Oxford dictionary) crew could take the island in a matter of minutes.
Well, captain parrot head, obviously under the influence of every pharmacuetical company, got her bearings out just a degree or two and decided to take on Australia. needless to say, as they landed on shore, armed with their feather dusters (Scotty was a notable absentee as he is still struggling blindfolded on the plank). "Whertheheckarewe" asked the cursed cruise director, who shall remain nameless. A squark then was relayed and interpreted as "dunno but we can't use that name, its taken".
The crew are now in a flap but they soon come across this building with a title that says "PUB". Now the hitchhikers guide to pirating defines a PUB as a watering hole often frequented by those that consume different coloured water that makes them loud and dizzy and then sick. The captain, quick on the uptake spots the cellar full of barrelss.There be loads a rum jere me mateys. So the crew decide to haul out the barrels and return them to the ship. On the way back to the girly whirly dinghy thingy, they are confronted with a large group of mean looking thugs with a patch on their leather jackets that says "Hells Angels".
the crew are stunned at first but then decide, we be the meanest scurge of the seven seas, we fight!
Stay tuned when we find out if the crew met their match? How will the feather dusters stand up to chains and knives? is this the end of the caped crusader, oops, wrong story. is this the end of the winged beak and her motley crew?