Author Topic: Update about the results of the injections in my ear  (Read 2725 times)


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Update about the results of the injections in my ear
« on: January 30, 2009, 03:44:42 pm »
Hi everyone,
If I would have sent you this update yesterday right after I've got home from the ENT it would have been very optimistic, but unfortunately it isn't right now  :'(

Everything went fine yesterday. The ENT made several balance tests and he also shook my head from side to side and he said it looked fine. He meant that my balance nerve on the AN side was knocked out and I was so happy I haven't experienced any dizziness during the time since the injections in mid December. But, today I received a phone call from his nurse who told me that I have to do the injections all over again because the tests showed that I have too much balance left on the balance nerve on my AN side. On Tuesday next I'll be going back to punch my ear drum again and I don't look forward to it at all! Most of all I'm scared to get dizzy! I have sort of quit doing my balance exercises since I didn't felt dizzy at all, so I guess I have to start again right away.

Please, think of me on Tuesday next week and the days to follow, because I'll need all your prayers. I'm sad and disappointed tonight  :(

Helene in Sweden
AN found in February, 2006, size 0,8 cm
Surgery 20th May, 2009, retrosigmoid approach
SSD and balance issues
Forever grateful to Dr Siesjo and Dr Kahlon, University Hospital of Lund, Sweden
Two AN:s found 1st March, 2016
Waiting for GK


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Re: Update about the results of the injections in my ear
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 03:48:13 pm »

Oh, no! Don't be sad and disappointed! I know the process isn't fun but, he is doing what he can to help the cause and is being proactive on it! Heck, too many dr's aren't that proactive! If it helped before and he feels you need it done again to help you out, then heck.. go for it!  I'll be thinking of you next Tuesday, but know that if the goal is to help your balance situation, heck, I'm all for it!

(I get injections in tough spots as well.. not fun... but, I keep thinking of the end results..... that is how I get through it... hang in there!)

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"