I called the NP on Monday because since my last CK treatment, the fullness came back hard and I feel sort of a vibration/thrumming sensation, and hearing is muffled/down. I asked to be put on a steroid and told her that when I was on low-dose decadron for 12 days it did the trick in 12 HOURS! Of course after I was off of it, the distortion came back until I had acupuncture a month ago.
Anyway, when I went to get my prescription, she prescribed medrol (prednisone) and it's not doing a good job. I've been on it for almost 48 hours. The thrumming is almost gone, but the fullness and far-away hearing are still there. I hear fine on the phone, though. Listening to the radio is out, it sounds fuzzy. I read on the internet that decadron is 4-5 times stronger than prednisone, so that's probably why she put me on it.
Do you think I should call tomorrow and let me know it's not doing very much, or should I finish the pack (6 days). Also, if it doesn't help, is it safe to go on decadron right after? I have an acupuncture treatment 1/31, but since I'm just out of CK treatment, I thought it best to do something that would chemically treat it. Just at a loss as to what to do. Any thoughts?
Tisha Other than that, I'm doing well.