Here I am a few short days away and I am strangely, and happily, calm and relaxed. There is no apprehension in my thoughts, as I keep thinking positive things: "My tumor is small and squishy.... It will come out easily... I am an incredibly strong person with great support..." so on and so forth

I don't know if is just a really great protection mechanism I have built in or what, but I feel great! Honestly. I had one down and out day, two weeks ago today, but it was a day, and I was up the next day. It's not even that I'm fooling myself about the time it's going to take to recover, I just keep repeating this really positive mantra and I feel it

Just food for thought (easier said than done, I know, in the rougher patches, but still.)
I had all my pre-op appts today up in Raleigh and I feel really good. When meeting my neurosurgeon for the first time, and discussing my case, reviewing my films, and going over my hearing report (80% + remaining in my AN ear) its been decided that I'm switching from a translab to a retrosigmoid... anyone else have this happen? I have the utmost confidence (and honestly I am grateful everyone is up for the challenge of trying to save my pretty good hearing) in Dr.'s Fukushima and Cunningham... but I just wanted to get everyone else's opinion in the switcher-oo. The order of importance still remains: 1.) no major complications (very rare), 2.) preservation of the facial nerve, 3.)preservation of the hearing. I like it

Trifecta of success

And honest with myself if all does not go as "planned". This is
someone's plan

Just wanted to send a quick update. Thanks everyone for listening