When I first found out about my AN on 10/23, I spent 5 days crying off and on. I was overwhelmed and grieving the loss of my normal hearing and so scared of the future, more loss of hearing, possible paralysis. I would get up in the middle of the night, go downstairs and ball my eyes out in solitude. I was experiencing anxiety attacks and couldn't eat. I felt myself slipping into a depression. I just couldn't believe this was happening to me. I found this wonderful site almost immediately and everyone here has been a touchstone for me in all sorts of ways. Some people are my "big brothers", some are cheerleaders, some calm me down, some are analytical which is great and some are mothers to me (even though I'm 49!) After about a week after finding out I calmed down quite a bit, even more so after 2 weeks.
It's OK to be taken aback...I still am from time to time. I'm researching like crazy. The risks of losing my hearing bring me to tears still. I"m heavily leaning toward FSR with Dr. Chang at Stanford, but haven't made the leap quite yet.
I prayed a lot that first week. But my prayers weren't necessarily for making this go away, they were for strength and calmness in getting thru it. I wanted to not be depressed and full of anxiety. Within days I got "myself" back. I believe God answers our prayers in abundance when we ask for those kinds of things.
You have a lot of research to do, I still do too. Make copies of you MRI and send them to some places that you see here and on your own research that you would like to talk to.
Big hug from a fellow newbie. Tisha