I am now almost 4 years post successful trans-lab surgery. My 13 yr old arthritic dog recently started walking funny, falling to her left side and not hearing well. Genius that I am, I assumed it was a foxtail in her ear, and took her to the vet. The vet did a complete evaluation including ear exam and hearing testing, then comes out and tells me " we think it's a rare brain tumor called an acoustic neuroma." After they said that, it seemed obvious to me that's what it could be. They mentioned an MRI to confirm the diagnosis at the vet teaching hospital in Davis, Calif. However, because of her age and her arthritis, I don't want to put her through all that. She doesn't seem to be in pain, and eats OK, so I'll probably just watch her for a while. The whole thing is too wierd to think about. I may take her for the MRI, haven't decided yet. If she was younger, I definately would do the MRI to confirm the diagnosis, then consider radiation. I can't imagine any vet having enough experience in this to do surgery. Any thoughts?? Anyone have a similar experience?? I doubt it.