The only time since surgery I have been headache free is the couple days at the beginning of
August when I fell and was doped up with Demerol ...
This will sound strange ...or here maybe not ... I am getting so used to always having a headache that
for most part I work through it ...just slower than I used to be ... but when it gets worse , a part of my brain
shuts down to deal with ignoring or maybe just pushing back head pain and in the process I lose
concentration as my brain is busy keeping my head from completely over taking my day... this is my theory
anyway... I have lots of theories to explain weird life after AN stuff... like surgically induced tourettes that makes
me say S**T and D**N several times a day ...

since I was maybe 5 or 6 I have dealt with pain by ohming... concentrating on the pain and imagining a hand
rubbing it away... head and tooth ache pain were two I could never master... don't know where I learned this ..
I think mainly because I was not so much neglected just not paid overly much attention even as a young child
and I learned to comfort myself...I think my brain goes back to this and does shut down to some extent to
cope and in doing so I get foggy... when I used to ohm away belly aches or pain of a bruised knee I got foggy...