Hello everyone!!!!

I am here, in Stanford!!
On Monday I met with Dr. Chang and his crew, and they were very nice and took the time to answer all our questions.
Tuesday I had the mask done. The doctor in charge of the mask was in the "halloween" mood and gave me a "pinocchio" nose, saying I will be ready for halloween!!!

(I will post the picture once the treatment done, for those who have no clue what I just said

He was super sweet and funny, all part of the crew.
Today was my first day. I got there at 11:45am for my 12:00pm appointment. After 5 minutes there, one of the doctors informed us the machine had some little glitches but that they were working on it and would give us an update in 15 minutes...

.. me, as a worrier, I started to think "maybe it's a sign...that I should not do it"...BUT, they got it fixed so quickly that my worries went away.
So anyways, I went it, layed on the table, they put the mask and my heart started pounding so fast. I was completely stress and worry free all this time, but I guess it was only then that I realized "this is not a CT scan or an MRI....it's radiation...there will be radiation going through me head!!"....so yeah, my heart was going off but I knew I was in verry good hands. I asked them to put some Ella Fitzerald, closed my eyes and tried to not think about anything. I fell in and out of sleep and after 40 minutes it was over. Not bad at all!

After I left, I went home, got something to eat and started to feel very tired. I was feeling a pain in the back of my ear that was very sharp and I guess that is what was making me tired. So I went to bed and slept for 2 hours. Woke up felling a bit better but still felt pain behind my ear....Has any of you felt that? I had no headache, no nausea...only that pain. So we'll see how tomorow will be.
I have a question for all of those who did have treatment with Dr. Chang:
- The day of each treatment, was Dr. Chang or Dr. Gibbs present at the begining to check up and make sure the machine was set correctly as they had asked? Because neither of them showed up during mine...and that made me a bit worried and upset at the same time since they had told me they would be there....

Anyways, will be sending an email to Dr. Chang asking about this and about this pain behind my ear...
See you all tomorow!