Author Topic: Failed CK?  (Read 3907 times)


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Failed CK?
« on: May 05, 2008, 12:49:28 am »
I am 62 and a Kaiser member in No Cal. They discover my AN in 2004. After 3 MRIs, on the last one there was a spurt of growth that got the doctors attention. I had CK (3 sessions) on 12/05 at Stanford (Dr. Alder) because Dr. Nutik decided I was a poor candidate for surgery (failed back surgery 11/02). I  considered myself lucky to be approved so easily for CK in 2005. The treatments went smoothly and was painless. But my last MRI showed my AN has grown another 3mm to 23mm (01/08). If CK has failed then I am a candidate for brain surgery. So we "wait and see" until June, the next MRI.

I am starting to have eye twitches and facial spasms intermittently but advancing at a greater frequency. It happens in times of stress or if I get a deep chill. They don't recommend a second CK treatment (is this true?) so if there is new growth in June, I am facing surgery. I now suffer from extreme fatigue, chronic insomnia, poor concentration and short term memory loss (I'm working on it), constant headaches, punctuated by migraines. About 4 to 5 months ago I started having the most severe headaches behind my left ear (AN side).

If there is new growth, I will be likely be forced to have to have one of Kaiser's neurosurgeons do the work. Considering the experience required for such a procedure, I am curious of Kaiser's doctors expertise in this particular field. The head of neurosurgery at Kaiser (Redwood City, CA) is Dr. Stephen Nutik ( Anybody hear of him? I know that "doctors practice medicine", I just don't want them to "practice on me".

Has anyone had a failed CK treatment? Has anyone had AN surgery from Kaiser? Any suggestions where to go from here?

Thank you
Timothy Harris


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Re: Failed CK?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2008, 05:48:45 am »
Hi Timothy,

I am aware of one AN failed CK, a woman that partipates on this board.....CK can be redone and I would quiz the docs on the CK Patient Support board (btw, Dr. Chang of Stanford participates on the board as well):

There are those that have endured post-CK swelling down the road yet, there is no confirmation of a "regrowth" based on what you wrote?  Sounds like the next MRI will be key in order to determine your situations.

Many choose CK as it can be redone again and I hope that it is just temp swelling going on.... suggestion would be to check with the drs on the CK board for professional thoughts on the situation.

(btw, I'm not sure if you saw my post to you in the other thread you noted about Kaiser and Dr. Nutik. There were recent discussions regarding him between a couple of forumites here. Please reference your earlier  post as there is a link there to bring you to the discussion. I hope it helps).

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Failed CK?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2008, 10:14:26 am »
Thank you so much, not only was your information most helpful, but it calmed me down considerably (till June anyway). You made me realize that there was more than one alternative. Occasionally I can get locked into one train of thought and forget all others. Bad habit.
Thanks again,


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Re: Failed CK?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2008, 11:15:01 am »
Hi Timothy. Glad to help! Truly.  Suggestion (take it however you want... my suggestion is only worth a grain o' salt or 2) is to see what the next MRI shows. At least, that way, you have a couple of comparitive sets of films to work with and would give you a clearer idea of what you may... or may not.... be up against.

Day by day, inch by inch.... my mantra! :)  hang in there!

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"

linda l

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Re: Failed CK?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2008, 04:05:13 pm »
Just logged in and saw your post about Dr. Nutik; he did my AN surgery in Oct 2005; and is a fantastic surgeon..if you do need surgery, you would be in good hands...


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Re: Failed CK?
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2008, 11:49:24 am »
hello altimhar,

Phyl, is right it might just be swelling. I am sorry about the failure. I have not had your experience but I wish you the best of luck. My surgery was at Oregon Health Science University. And they were all fabulous .


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Re: Failed CK?
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2008, 07:23:05 pm »

I haven't had a failed CK but I just had retrosigmoid surgery in Kaiser Redwood city with Dr. Nutik on May 13th.  I've had excellent outcome with him, so if you'll have to go that route, you will be in very good hands.   I believe he has done about 600 AN surgeries, 350 of them using the retrosigmoid approach.  The nurses at Redwood City Kaiser are wonderful as well.

Be well,

3.5cm x 2.5cm x 2.7cm
Retrosigmoid on 5/13/08 with Dr. Nutik @ Redwood City Kaiser
No major complications
I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Nutik, the nurses and Kaiser