1. Are you a male or a female? F 34 years
2. Which cerebral lobe(s) is your tumor located on?
on my left side
3. Prior to your diagnosis, did you suffer from headaches? If yes to #3 what was the intensity of your headaches on a scale of 1-10? (1 being very minimal and 10 being immobilizing) Y 3
4. Did you headaches lead to an MRI diagnosing your Acoustic Neuroma? N
5. At any time before your diagnosis, did you experience uncontrollable changes in mood? Y
6. Did your doctor send you for an MRI scan based on this symptom? N
7. Prior to your diagnosis, did you find you could not remember short-term items? N
8. Prior to your diagnosis, did you find you could not remember long-term items? N
9. Did your symptoms of memory loss lead to the discovery of your acoustic neuroma. N
10. Prior to your diagnosis of your acoustic neuroma did you experience a mild to severe form of depression? N
11. Did your doctor send you for a MRI or PET scan due to your depression? Or did he give you prescription medicine for it? N
12. Did you experience insomnia prior to your diagnosis? N
13. Did your insomnia lead to sleep test that helped in your diagnosis of an acoustic neuroma? N
14. Did you ever feel like you had trouble concentrating on a task? Y
15. Did having trouble concentrating lead to the diagnosis of ADD/HD or the acoustic neuroma? N
16. Based on the symptoms you showed were you diagnosed for those only or did your doctor send you for further test? further testing