Author Topic: BAHA--will Kaiser cover it?  (Read 4520 times)

Nancy T

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BAHA--will Kaiser cover it?
« on: October 29, 2007, 10:48:51 pm »
Hi all!

Anybody had BAHA covered by Kaiser Permanente? Preferably in Oregon?

Blue Cross still won't pay, so I'm strongly considering getting my employer's Kaiser insurance and hoping they'll pay.

The Kaiser ENT who did BAHA surgeries just retired. His office told me they are probably going to refer Kaiser patients to outside neurotologists for the BAHA, and that Kaiser follows Medicare regarding payment for it.

But apparently, the only way I can find out for sure whether Kaiser will pay for it will be to get on Kaiser and apply.

It will cost me $900 for the year (in a lost rebate from my employer for not having the employer's insurance, since I'm covered under my husband's insurance). What a gamble!

AND even if Kaiser pays for the surgery, I don't know if they'll pay for the processor, or what co-pays I might have.

The Kaiser member services department won't/can't tell you a thing unless you give them a member number.

Any experiences with Kaiser, anyone?

Nancy T.
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss, left side, 1999 (no acoustic neuroma)
Baha Intenso, 2008