Hello everybody -3 and a half months update.
Sorry I didn't post anything before but I had incredibly stressful time, not at all AN related. Last time I went to work at 3 and a half months and I remember thinking that it must be too early because I just learned how to walk to the doctors office. I walked to my 3 months appointment and my legs gave out a few times. I had to stop and rest.
Well, it is the same the second time. 3 months seems to be the magical number. My balance when standing on one leg is exactly the same on both sides but I still walk slowly, primarily because of the right (AN) side. The entire side is slower than the good one, so I think this makes me off balance. when I am sleepless, tired or emotionally upset (there were enough opportunities for those), my balance and slowness are worse. The difference between the first and second times is that I did not take PT the first time, the doctors did not give it to me.
Handwriting is undoubtedly better but nevertheless is still bad and inefficient. I type with both hands but make more mistakes with the right one.
Speech - I went to an SLP and she diagnosed me with with Flaccid Dysarthria. I now have trouble only with multisyllabic words and
paragraphs, not individual sounds or simple words. it is improving and thank God for that. If I stay away from multisyllabic words ( 5 or more), you would never know that I wasn't speaking correctly.
Facial and trigeminal issues - between 2 and a half and 3 months, my numbness significantly improved to the point when I feel the drop running down my face. In addition, my face, tongue and teeth stopped being so numb and almlost sore. The numbness did not go away completely, though. My right (AN) eye became bigger than good eye; I put drops sometimes but I can close it completely as usual. My smile is symmetric and I can raise my eyebrows, I can blow out the candle. People do not think my facial nerve has been affected at all. That is simply not true. I am glad nobody notices but I know that there is quite a bit of dryness, both in the eye and in the mouth.
Again, my MRI is clean so far.