*waves to Phyl*
Hi, Jimmy! I'm one of the Boston area contingency Phyl refers to. I met Dr. McKenna in July 2005 shortly after my diagnosis (that's where I was referred when the local ENT oringally found the AN). He also did my surgery (along with the neurosurgeon Dr. Barker) last fall. I've been very impressed with McKenna. He's a neuro-ENT, and is willing to evaluate each patient individually to recommend treatment (watch-and-wait, radiosurgery, or traditional surgery) appropriate for them. Last I knew, he was following several hundred AN patients just in watch-and-wait status and does AN surgery 1-2x/week. Very, very experienced. I was on the brink of sending my MRIs to House when I met McKenna, and never bothered following through with House. You'd be in great hands with him.
I've heard of Dr. Poe (all good things), but haven't met him and so can't say much. I think he's strictly a neurosurgeon (as opposed to a neuro-ENT), but I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time!

If you're interested in pursuing radiosurgery, there are several excellent facilities in Boston/New England. McKenna only works with the radiation team at MGH and they have access to just some of the technologies. There are also radiation oncologists very experienced with ANs at Beth Israel, Brigham&Women's, and there's always Dr. Noren in Providence, RI. (Did I miss anyone?)
Please consider joining us for brunch in a few weeks, as Phyl suggested. I went to my first one a few months before my surgery and it made me so much more comfortable with my treatment decisions. It was wonderful to meet all these people who had made it through to the other side.
Good luck!