Author Topic: Magnetitum pills  (Read 7730 times)


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Magnetitum pills
« on: January 02, 2007, 05:30:51 am »
Hi, I am about six months after FSR. have some tinnitus and my hearing has slightly deteriorated. I've seen this commercial on the net which appears to show good results for nerve functionality improvements. I know it sounds too good to be true but in any case is anyone aware of it or have more information about this (or even taking it). I don't mind ordering one unit and test but I'm just concerned about side effects (even though it is stated that it is all based on natural compounds)

Thanks in advance
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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2007, 07:16:10 am »
Hi Pablo,

Ah, another ad....

As you can see by this thread:

Some tv adverts are raising eyesbrows and red flags.......

Not aware of Magnetitum pills helping but will be curious to see if others have knowledge. Will monitor thread for updates.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 07:35:06 am »
Thanks Phyl for the reply. I am aware of these vitamin types which are claimed to reduce tinnitus, however what brought my attention on this Magentitum pill (if you look at the composition) is a proprietary blend based on Magnetitum, this natural element is supposed to use magnetic properties to induce better functionality on a damaged nerve. Sorry if I sound like a salesman, this is what I understood from the technical description and feedbacks. People  say you need to trust about 10% of what ads claim, even if 10% of this is true I would be ready to give it a try.i don't know of the side effects though.
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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2007, 07:40:05 am »
Hi Pablo.... and most welcome.  IMO, I'll take odds better than 10%.  Maybe it's the "daughter of a pharmacist" attitude in me (whether right or wrong) and I have seen SO many folks, many here on the boards, reach out and spend money on treatments for this and that with no end results except for lower balances in their bank accounts.  I hate to see us get dooped on something with claims of this and that.... but, definately will follow allong to see others inputs on it, as I'm always open to learn more. If there is scientific/medical proof of efficacy, when then, heck...... I'll check it out as well.

Here's wishing you a good one and hang in there!  Will lurk for updates here.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2007, 07:49:16 am »
Phyl I know exactly wht you mean. I was really discouraged to bring this question up to this forum, I hate to see other people hanging new hopes and spending money on things that won't work, it was just my curiosity to see if any one here had tried it before.
Thanks again and a very happy new year for you and your family.
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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2007, 08:53:07 am »
Pablo,  I think your question is great and like you, I am also curious to see if others are familiar with it and it's use and efficiacy, especially in a situation like this.

*sits back with bowl of popcorn and martini while lurking thread*

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2007, 03:31:58 am »
Hi Bruce, thanks for taking a look at the data. As I  mentioned I may be checking this out. Most of the stuff is vitamins and suplements, besides the proprietary Fe compound. I guess a little bit or iron shouldn't kill me, right?  ;D
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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2007, 07:24:21 pm »
kill you I don't think so..make you constipated yes  LOL ;)


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2007, 02:16:41 am »
I've just ordered the pills - (I like adventures  ;D). If it doesn't do anything, it's not too much damage at $9.90 for a whole month. I guess I'll be happy taking some vitamins for the next month.
In case of any changes I will report to the forum.
2.5 cm x 3.0 cm  right side
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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2007, 02:14:30 am »
It's been a while (more than 6 months) since I posted this and thought I could provide an update for whoever thinks it can be useful. Since January 7th this year I started taking Magneurol pills continuously until today. I am also tracking hearing levels on a monthly basis since my treatment in June 2006. This helped me follow up on any changes that may have happened due to the pills intake or the effects of the treatment itself.

Before reporting on hearing levels I need to say that I didn't suffer from any side or secondary effect from taking these pills - the only thing I feel is that my energy levels are a bit boosted ( i would assume because of the presence of Vitamin B in the formula), but no negative effect whatsoever besides paying for the pills, which btw are not cheap  ;D.

The set of data below starts right after my FSR treatment ( June 2006) and the last set of data was from yesterday for the month of June this year. The monthly data was statistically processed using a polynomial- fitted trend analysis to clear all the random effects and show the pure effect in hearing levels with time. The hearing test used is a professional tool which allows tests from 20 Hz through 20 KHz, but  I didn't use all those frequencies for the analysis.

The following table shows the summary. Whoever would like to see the complete data please let me know so I can email it. (hearing Loss values are based on trend analysis and SPL data is actual hearing test result: Positive loss values means loss, negative means hearing improvement

Freq        SPL before FSR         Loss until start pills intake                  Loss since pills intake        Total Hearing Loss        SPL last

250             23                                       5                                                -2                                    3                   23 

500             22                                       4                                                 0                                    4                   26

750             29                                       3                                               -2.5                                  0.5                27

1000           31                                     -2.5                                              -2.5                                  -5                  27

1,500          23                                      -3                                                 0.5                                 -2.5                24

2,000          22                                       0                                                 1.5                                  1.5                27

3,000          20                                      2                                                  -2                                     0                 22

4,000          32                                      5.5                                               -1.5                                  4                  34

5,000          30                                      4.5                                               -2.5                                  2                  34

6,000          36                                      8                                                  -2.5                                  5.5               41

7,000          34                                      12.5                                             -4.5                                  8                  38

8,000          27                                      9                                                  -3                                    6                   31

9,000          31                                      0                                                   3                                    3                   36

10,000        23                                      12.5                                               2                                    14.5              36

My interpretation is:

- For low- mid low frequencies, no major changes occur. However trend lines show slight hearing loss before starting pills intake and slight improvement afterwards
- For mid-high frequencies, improvement occured right after start pills intake
- For high frequencies, a very strong hearing loss right after FSR but stabilizing recently. This appears to be the immediate effect of radiation on the nerve mostly affecting the high frequencies.

While these results may be subject for different interpretations, still shows that hearing loss right after treatment in this case is not continuous and has been stabilized for most usable frequencies. It can still be argued that it may or may not be due to these pills or may be due to nerve recovering after several months from treatment but I do not have any further data that can demonstrate either way at the moment.

Any feedback will be appreciated. (Sory for the long post).


2.5 cm x 3.0 cm  right side
FSR  7/2006
Cabrini Medical Center, NYC


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2007, 05:48:37 am »
Pablo-Cannot comment about Pills-but I can On my particular Hearing situation since we both had FSR-just at different locals. Local audiologist confirmed I had lost over-all 26% hearing prior too FSR. I am approaching 11 months out and will have my yearly MRI at end of month. Again audiologist has concluded that my hearing now stands at 50%. That means I lost so far around 24% initial hearing since onset of FSR. Only decent way I can hear is with use of hearing aids. Still trying out 2 brands-one is Phonak at $3000 (ouch) and a Berenefon at $1300. Phonak seems too work the best. Doctors have me on 100 milligrams of Celebrex-twice a day for inflammation. Last MRI at 9 months-at my request showed signs of edema-swelling. Still have days where I feel like someone hit me in the head with a bat-numbness alot and tightness around temple of right side-side of the AN tumor. It seems too happen if I have a hard day at work-but if I rest for a night I feel much better. Glad too hear that Pills may be helping-just so you do not start attracting metal objects like a magnet-HA-Ha. Ron.


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2007, 09:25:57 am »
Hello eveyone on this subject.....

I took my audiology evaluation testing on 5-14-07, almost 6 months after CK.  (had one done in Janurary, also)  The CK was the end of Nov. and early Dec.  I was told not to take any supplements for this six month period of time.  (OK to do so after six months, which is NOW)

On my report it states pressure improved.  I'm back on a nasal spray for allergies.  (prescription which should further improve my hearing due to the allergies, only)  The other is obvious damage from the AN.  The Tympanometry right: C and Left: A!  The pressure was -165 on the right and -5 on the left.  Volume .8 (rt.) Volume .9 (left)

Mind you, my tumor is on the right side.  (AN @ 22mm upon diagnosis)

The speech audiometry (discrimination on right when just tested lately was 72 percent @70 db on the left 100 percent @ 55 db)

The improvement (rt) including speech discrimination gain to 76 percent from 36 percent in January of 2007.
(similar to 9/06 result)  Hig neg pressure (rt) mid-ear!

In my case, I was told that the Nasonex 50MCG of nasal 17GM might help with some temporary hearing in my case.  We are talking the pressure in my ear, I experienced possibly due to allergies, as well.  I will try this and get tested again about November.  I don't know about trying any other "wonder-pill" with this prescription.

My MRI on the brain that I just had, shows STABLE.  I had a neck MRI as well but, darn........they didn't do the contrast.  I'm awaiting a specialist for that diagnosis.  I sent the CD to a surgeon for reading.  Stanford told me there are some problems with the neck.  (awaiting that next adventure but, not really interested in another surgery after 21 major surgeries in my life, so far)

Interesting thread.......

« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 09:29:06 am by Palace »
22 mm Acoustic Neuroma (right side)
Cyberknife, Nov. & Dec. 2006
Dr. Iris Gibbs & Dr. Blevins @ Stanford
single sided deafness


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2007, 10:42:04 pm »

As a former audiogist I can say that the changes you carefully prepared and presented are too small to be significant.  I can tell you that I could get variations larger than that just during the day.  If you swallow wrong or sneeze you can get those kinds of variations.  The only thing I've every heard of with even anectdotally positive results in preserving or improving hearing was when one distinguished and august researcher took massive doses of floride himself.  He also did not recommend anyone else try what he had, as the risk of too much floride  outweighed the suspected benefit he claimed.  I guess every time I see one of these ads I think of Steve McQueen in a cheap Mexican Motel chomping apricot pits.  Sorry to be negative, but we are dealing with nerve damage and I've yet to see anything that regenerates damaged nerves.  Let's hope the damage does not worsen.  By the way, I think it was in this thread, the Bernafon Hearing aid is a better technology than Phonak.  You might also check out Widex or Otocon.



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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2007, 12:49:46 am »
I sense a degree of caution here - which I do share
I know of no way you can improve a damaged nerve
- it may or may not fix itself over time - but in its own time
There is one extra "maybe" though
In the area around the nerve any extra activity or swelliing
usually can affect the nerve performance
Hence when you get the headcold your hearing or balance goes funny
- basically nerves dont like being compressed
Some of the herbal remedies may help with swelling,
or may improve blood flow (the swelling reduces the blood supply)
Some have posted that comparatively cheaper herbal options
seem to improve the tinnitus
(I am not sure how you measure that objectively
- how do you measure a sound that isnt a sound ?)
(equally cutting down on the caffine would help)
If you have swelling issues maybe the Herbal route will improve it
- try but maybe best not to over do it ?
Best regards


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Re: Magnetitum pills
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2007, 01:43:16 am »
Thanks guys for the great posts.

Tony: I think you're correct about the herbal influence: Right after FSR treatment I started drinking Green Tea ,  and slowly the fullness and tinnitus feeling were moderately reduced. I think it has some antiflammatory properties.

Dan: Regarding what it's considered a significant change, my audiologist seems to think that  +/- 3dB is what they call the  unforeseen hearing level variation and within this range, it shouldn't be considered as either an improvement or loss. However, in my case I definitely see that the 10 KHz freq has been significantly affected from the treatment ( 14.5 dB loss). Also keep in mind that the reported hearing loss levels above are  coming out of a smoothing function and the actual values differences may be in some cases larger. Even if this is a little bit speculative, yet hearing leve lis shown stabilized (no progressive hearing loss is seen within the first year after treatment), which appears to deviate from general after FSR behaviour , which is a permanent decline rate in hearing levels.

I would be glad to be able to compare this behaviour trend to other cases of after FSR treatment and figure whether this pattern is common or not.

Thanks agains for your comments.
2.5 cm x 3.0 cm  right side
FSR  7/2006
Cabrini Medical Center, NYC