It's been a while (more than 6 months) since I posted this and thought I could provide an update for whoever thinks it can be useful. Since January 7th this year I started taking Magneurol pills continuously until today. I am also tracking hearing levels on a monthly basis since my treatment in June 2006. This helped me follow up on any changes that may have happened due to the pills intake or the effects of the treatment itself.
Before reporting on hearing levels I need to say that I didn't suffer from any side or secondary effect from taking these pills - the only thing I feel is that my energy levels are a bit boosted ( i would assume because of the presence of Vitamin B in the formula), but no negative effect whatsoever besides paying for the pills, which btw are not cheap

The set of data below starts right after my FSR treatment ( June 2006) and the last set of data was from yesterday for the month of June this year. The monthly data was statistically processed using a polynomial- fitted trend analysis to clear all the random effects and show the pure effect in hearing levels with time. The hearing test used is a professional tool which allows tests from 20 Hz through 20 KHz, but I didn't use all those frequencies for the analysis.
The following table shows the summary. Whoever would like to see the complete data please let me know so I can email it. (hearing Loss values are based on trend analysis and SPL data is actual hearing test result: Positive loss values means loss, negative means hearing improvement
Freq SPL before FSR Loss until start pills intake Loss since pills intake Total Hearing Loss SPL last
250 23 5 -2 3 23
500 22 4 0 4 26
750 29 3 -2.5 0.5 27
1000 31 -2.5 -2.5 -5 27
1,500 23 -3 0.5 -2.5 24
2,000 22 0 1.5 1.5 27
3,000 20 2 -2 0 22
4,000 32 5.5 -1.5 4 34
5,000 30 4.5 -2.5 2 34
6,000 36 8 -2.5 5.5 41
7,000 34 12.5 -4.5 8 38
8,000 27 9 -3 6 31
9,000 31 0 3 3 36
10,000 23 12.5 2 14.5 36
My interpretation is:
- For low- mid low frequencies, no major changes occur. However trend lines show slight hearing loss before starting pills intake and slight improvement afterwards
- For mid-high frequencies, improvement occured right after start pills intake
- For high frequencies, a very strong hearing loss right after FSR but stabilizing recently. This appears to be the immediate effect of radiation on the nerve mostly affecting the high frequencies.
While these results may be subject for different interpretations, still shows that hearing loss right after treatment in this case is not continuous and has been stabilized for most usable frequencies. It can still be argued that it may or may not be due to these pills or may be due to nerve recovering after several months from treatment but I do not have any further data that can demonstrate either way at the moment.
Any feedback will be appreciated. (Sory for the long post).