Author Topic: Hearing Aids  (Read 7487 times)


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Hearing Aids
« on: December 20, 2006, 11:18:52 am »
I was wondering if anyone that is the watch and wait mode and has trouble hearing and discriminating voices.........knows of any type hearing device that might work.  My doctor says that one wouldn't do me any good....but I am not giving up until I research everything that I can.  He says it would just make the garbled sounds that I hear that much louder.  Thought it wouldn't hurt to ask  ???.

Oakridge, Oregon
65 year old female
1.27cm, Diagnosed September 2006
Deaf in right ear, some tinnitus, numbness on my face close to my ear Currently "Wait & Watch", per doctors advise
If & When I need to have something done I've pretty much decided on GK.


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Re: Hearing Aids
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 12:06:19 pm »
Dani-  I am scheduled for a 6 month MRI and hearing test on December 26th. I am deaf in the left ear from prior AN surgery 17 years ago-and now I have one in the right ear that I had treated with FSR this past summer. At 3 months I had 96% hearing but now at lot of voices is garbled. I saw my audiologist 3 weeks ago at a Satelite station with my ENT. He is going to see about a hearing aid that may  clear up the garbled voices I hear. If you do not have an answer by then-I will keep this group posted with a thread on my outcome when I find out. Doctors where I got FSR said if tumor scared the hearing nerve-hearing aids will do no good. Hope this will help some. However they are not cheap. Ron


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Re: Hearing Aids
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2006, 03:47:17 pm »
Thank you so much least now I know there may be a chance.  I would really like for you to let me know what happens with your situation.

Thanks Again,
Oakridge, Oregon
65 year old female
1.27cm, Diagnosed September 2006
Deaf in right ear, some tinnitus, numbness on my face close to my ear Currently "Wait & Watch", per doctors advise
If & When I need to have something done I've pretty much decided on GK.

Sam Rush

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Re: Hearing Aids
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2006, 12:39:17 pm »
Hearing aides pre-op probably won't help because of nerve damagel
1 cm AN translab, Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Schwartz, Dr Doherety HEI   11/04   Baha 7/05

Bob Partak

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Re: Hearing Aids
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2006, 09:45:00 pm »
Hi Dani,
I am deaf in my AN ear and I have lost High frequency hearing in my right ear. Yes I have a hard time hearing all sylables of some words so at times i think I'm hearing a foreign language. I tried the aids that plugged my ear and couldn't adapt to them. Then i tried a Siemens Acuris. It fits behind my ear with a small clear tube that fits in my ear. I can't tell i have it on and folks can't see it either. It's adjusted according to a computer so that the frequencies I'm Deficient in come in louder than those I hear normaly. Liewise noises that are uncomfortable(loud) can be toned down a bit. And the best part is it has a pocket remote control that allows me to raise or lower the volume according to my situation i.e. louder in church, lower at home. Cost is about $2400 but worth it to me. Most audiologist will let you try one before purchasing and they don't need an ear mold made for fitting. They do need a very accurate audiogram to set the digital computer chip in the ear clip  through a complex computer program. I love mine and a friend of mine got one for each of his ears and he and his WIFE have thanked me for the info more than once. I wish you well, Bob P.


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Re: Hearing Aids
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2007, 09:17:18 pm »
Dealy what did you find out?