It will be raining so, we are having supper in front of the fireplace at a dark (100 year old restaurant) and a dressy place, locally in the mountains. We will be very dressed-up for that night. (extremely fancy) Sometimes getting dressy helps you feel better. (somewhat) That is for Christmas Eve.
Since I'm suffering with the AN symptoms and the fatigue, we will probably have our doggy gathering party for present opening on Christmas morning. (also predicted to be a rain-day) My dog Molucca sellected a present under the tree a few days ago and opened it. It was a big squeaky turtle with long legs that she can shake back and forth. I suppose it is like shaking a critter to death, in the animal world. These are Golden Retriever litter-mates so, it would be a bird to them. (just one of those *instanct* things.
On the happier note........What are you people doing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Let's talk HAPPY!
Were any of you able to attend a holiday party, too? (and I hope you AN symptoms didn't stop you from the joys of life) These past six months, it stopped me, flat. It isn't easy to enjoy anything with those symptoms all at once sometimes. They come and go for me, these days.
So, what is on for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for you ANer's? Talking happy now........
On a more fun week.......we hope,