Author Topic: A lot of mucus in the nasopharynx, severe chronic rhinitis after surgery  (Read 2942 times)


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Hello! HELP ME PLEASE! In 2005 I felt severe numbness in my right ear, noise in this ear, and hearing loss, which lasted for a month and then went away. MRI results revealed an intracanal microneurinoma (9x10 mm) of the internal auditory canal. In 2007 there was a second MRI, which revealed a neuroma of 11x17x14 mm. Due to the growth of the neuroma (compared to the MRI in 2005), a surgical operation was performed for subtotal removal of the acoustic neuroma. It is difficult to say what method was used for removal, but I think it was suboccipital retrosigmoid, because I have a stitch after surgery on the back of my head.

Аfter the planned operation, paresis of the right facial nerve appeared, hearing loss on the right and a periodic white veil in front of the right eye, nausea, and sometimes in the morning I noticed an accumulation of mucus in the oral cavity.

Since 2014 there has been a lot of mucus, which causes pain in the eyes (usually in the right one, but sometimes in both eyes), double vision, severe congestion, numbness and weakness in the arms and legs, fever in the body, sometimes low-grade fever (37-37.4), discomfort in the spine,etc. The mucus is viscous, transparent or white, sometimes foamy. There is a lot of it every day throughout the year, especially when the weather changes. Sometimes it’s so bad that it seems like I won’t survive.

I blow my nose and spit it out in large quantities. At the same time, on MRI and CT scans, the sinuses appear pneumatized. I have been to many ENT specialists, allergists, etc., but antibiotics, antihistamines, hormonal sprays, etc. do not help.  I'm afraid that the problem may be much deeper and that it is a problem with the cerebrospinal fluid or something else associated with this operation.

Tell me please, does anyone have similar symptoms? This mucus makes me feel very bad and I feel disabled. Has anyone encountered something similar and been able to cure it?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 10:13:27 am by Neobinadya »


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Hi Neobinadya,

And thanks for posting on the ANA Forums!

When I read your post, I felt awful for what you are going through.

My wife (who does not have an acoustic neuroma) suffers from an excess amount of mucus -- although not nearly as badly as what you are experiencing.  She has also been to many ENTs, specialists, allergists, and other doctors.  She has tried many treatments, medications, and natural remedies, but none of them have worked so far.

Unfortunately, I do not have a cure to share with you.  But I can understand a little bit of what you must be going through, and it is terrible!  I am so sorry that you are having to experience this.

I wish you the best on your journey, and if you discover a cure, please post it here!

Burning Tongue, Loss of Hearing & Balance, and Tinnitus led to MRI. Very small AN found on 11/23/2021
While watching and waiting, lost significant hearing. WRS now at 12% (down from 100%). Was fitted with CROS system on 3/7/22.  Stable MRI on 7/29/22
No treatment yet.