Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed a year ago now. I have a 2.2cm x 1.5cm. Half in IAC & half in CPA so only just touching brainstem with no compression. I still have very good hearing.
I have had a number of consultations with different surgeons (including Dr Friedman from UCSD & Dr Chang from Stanford). I have had so many different recommendations of what to do..translab, retro, GK & CK. I’ve become paralysed in fear & anxiety. Once again I’m up in the middle of the night not being able to sleep freaking out about what to do.
Recently I’ve had new symptoms which have included feeling a tight feeling in my cheek on the effected side. I actually think I can feel that side of my face may be a bit weaker but you couldn’t notice just by looking at me.
I had surgery booked for 4 months ago but pulled out. Surgery has been rescheduled for next month instead…but I’m so scared these unusual feelings in my face on the AN side will guarantee me paralysis after surgery. I may pull out of surgery again thinking GK may be better at saving my face??!! Im only 36 though so I’m extremely worried about being too young for radiation.
How do you decide on treatment?

!!!!!! I’m constantly flipping!!!! I know this AN is doing damage sitting in there. Please any advice on how to decide??
Thank you