Author Topic: Verbal paraphasia  (Read 8924 times)


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Verbal paraphasia
« on: December 29, 2020, 02:07:06 am »
I’m back! ;D Have not been here in over 7 years!
Anyway. If you remember who I am , send me a tell.
I had mine resected at SBI by Shahinian in 2006.
Going strong still, many more Marathons and half Ironman after my Full IM in 2010 and just turned 50 after a 2.5 year brutal divorce. Give me another brain surgery instead of that again!!

Anyway, over the years since my resection I have noticed speech problems. Mainly replacing words with other words that are not supposed to be there! Anyone else?
5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06