Author Topic: pre-op memory problems  (Read 14992 times)


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pre-op memory problems
« on: October 27, 2016, 01:41:48 pm »
So, as far as I remember (that doesn't help much) i have had memory issues. I could watch a movie and the next day could not tell you what I watched. Worse yet, read a book. I'm just wondering if these memory issues could do with the tumor being there. I have a 3.0cm tumor that obviously has been growing for years. I hope it doesn't get worse after the surgery, but hopefully after the surgery it would actually get better, although from what I read it doesn't.
3.0cm x 3.0cm x 3.0cm
Translab by Dr. Slattery & Dr. Schwartz HEI 11/8/16
Can move face fine but numbness currently.


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Re: pre-op memory problems
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2016, 03:54:53 pm »
It's weird. Academically I had always struggled in my younger years, but there are things that I remember all the time that people at work are like how did you know that without looking it up. I think its called selective memory. Mine is at 2.3 CM and I have noticed some cognitive issues that seem to make me stutter or have problems conveying certain things properly. People also pick on me for that as well, but I've been trying my hardest to not speak before my brain catches up.
10/13/16 - 21x23x19
1/16/17 - 22x23x19
1/24 - Surgery Successful
3/6 - MRI/CT Scan No Regrowth


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Re: pre-op memory problems
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2016, 08:43:11 am »
It's been 5 years since my radiation and I still have memory problems.  Same as those described.   The one thing that bothers me is when people say, "oh you are forgetful because you are older; it's a normal part of aging." I am middle aged.  NO it is not normal  in middle age to forget a movie you saw the day before, or a book you read the day or week before.  It is not normal to draw a blank and have to go and look up your only child's birthday when filling out a school form, or to draw a blank and have to calculate in your head how old you are.  I think our cognitive problems stem from the fact that our brain is too busy trying to keep us balanced and upright when 1/2 of what it takes to do so is impaired, to hear with one ear and tinnitus ringing in our head, to see when one eye is ticking, watering or impaired, etc. But you learn to cope.  I take notes on everything, make copious to do lists, etc. I find I remember more if I read lying down.  The brain is not straining so much to keep the head and upper body upright. Many  of us will not be the same as we were before the AN, but that doesn't mean we can't cope and even enjoy life. You are not alone.  I think many of us have the same cognitive problems. The Mayo Clinic is now doing a 10 year study on quality of life for AN patients, including cognitive problems. I'm in the study. So obviously  the issue of memory problems is slowly being recognized as an issue for AN patients. Previously neurologists would just brush it off, saying a different part of the brain is affected by AN's than those responsible for memory.

All the best,
2.3 cm AN.   Hearing loss and other symptoms. Gamma knife 2011.


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Re: pre-op memory problems
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2017, 11:21:12 pm »
I also have a 3cm tumor and have been acting very wacky. I can't tell you what I had for dinner last night. I asked my daughter if she was being a good boy. Before I was diagnosed, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Paying for gas and driving off, driving past my dr's offiice, forgetting to put my ebrake up causing me to coast into other cars. My diagnosis came just when my headaches, facial numbness and crazy behavior was becoming unbearable. :o I am no longer working. Just taking it as slow as possible (with a toddler) while I await surgery on Jan30.


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Re: pre-op memory problems
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2017, 03:07:42 am »
Faithbeyondfear, how did your surgery go on 30 January?