Here is the latest from me at (almost)
5 years post CK:
Tumor is stable in size and appearance , slightly smaller than when I started this ride

. The good news is the neurosurgeon noticed more distinct CSF flow throughout my brain, the tumor looked visibly smaller & the great news is he doesn't want to see me for 2 years!!
After 13 rounds in the MRI machine, I am very happy to wait 2 years until the next one.
The ophthalmologist is fine with my papillodema (optic nerve swell) being stable too, so I can wait 1 year (instead of 6mths) for the next check on that one

. I'm getting hearing checked again in August - hopefully hearing loss has peaked.
Overall I feel pretty good. The tinnitus plays up to remind me when I'm over-stressed, the left side of my facial numbness is still there and the hearing loss is an issue when in crowded places (better with my hearing aid on).
My latest health improvement strategies include intermittent fasting and the wonderful practice of Yin Yoga -- really helps instill the calm.
wishing you much thanks for supporting this life changing journey,
be well during these (additionally) trying times