Author Topic: Sleep Apnea - AN  (Read 12304 times)


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Re: Sleep Apnea - AN
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2007, 09:37:14 am »
I am just one of those people. I was sent to the ENT after experiencing dizziness and problems with my balance. At the same time my son who was recently discharged from the Marine Corps told my husband he had never heard anyone snore as loud as me. I had always thought my husband was exagerating. When I went to see the ENT I asked him about the snoring. He told me that I had two distinct problems. A few weeks later I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I received my cpap machine the day after I was told about my AN. I still can't believe it...I went in with dizziness and walked out hearing I stopped breathing in my sleep (for me it was every 6 minutes) and I had a tumor in my head.
Diagnosed 1/07 2mm AN - symptoms included spinning sensations when awakening, balance problems & mild hearing loss
6/07 - followup MRI no growth
6/08 - no growth, hearing unchanged